DNS Name vs IP Address

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  • Creator
  • #50024
    Keith McLeod

      What is the general consensus of using DNS names vs IP addresses.  I have generally stayed away from using DNS names simply because it takes away some of the control by introducing another variable in the connectivity of the interfaces.  When migraating from one server’s hardware to another, if you using the big bang approach to migrating it can make it as simple as changing the DNS entry to switch all DNS capable connections over.  The concern is when you want to do a more controlled cutover, you still need to carefully change and monitor what is being cutover, especially on the inbounds to cloverleaf.  Any thoughts or advice.  I have some folks that beleive that DNS is where they want to go in the configurations.  I want to make the best decision possible with your help.  Thanks….

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    • Author
      • #64561
        Scott Folley

          While it can be difficult for a large organization to make a switch over to DNS, it is well worth it in the long run.  If you are starting out then it is, in my opinion, a no-brainer…DNS is the way to go.

          If you set up your name resolution to hit the host table prior to DNS then you can have all of the control that you want.  This assumes that you have admin access to the host table which is not always the case.  So, you can make hassles for yourself by using the IP address or you can become friendly with the Sysadmins or the networking folks.

          Each solution has its drawbacks but I find that I get along better with sys admins than I do with networking folks…lol.

        • #64562
          Jim Kosloskey

            We have a mixture of fixed IP addresses in the NetConfig and use of the /etc/hosts file.

            I personally like using the /etc/hosts file.

            We do not rely on DNS as it has not been reliable here.

            Jim Kosloskey

            email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

          • #64563
            Kevin Kinnell

              We run strictly with IP numbers, although if we had more hosts we would be

              using the host file.

              We’ve never had a good experience with DNS: very rarely the addresses will

              be incorrect, more frequently the server(s) will be down, still more frequently

              the lag will be unbearable.

              Internet DNS multiplies all that and is insecure to boot.

              T’aint wuth it.

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