Directory Parse for SFTP file pick up

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf Directory Parse for SFTP file pick up

  • Creator
  • #120546
    Chris Roca

      I am trying to figure out how I can parse a vendors FTP Site and only retrieve files with a specific prefix in the filename.  Files that match my name criteria would be moved from  the vendor site while files that do not match the criteria are left on the vendor site.

      Any similar procs you think might be helpful are welcome.  Thanks.

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    • Author
      • #120547
        Jim Kosloskey

          If you are on Cloverleaf 19.2 or later (I think this started with 19.2) you should have a file mask property which allows some selection of files. No Procs needed.

          This assumes all of the desired files are in the same directory.

          Otherwise I think there are example DirParse procs somewhere in the distribution libraries. If you want, I have a proc set I use for DirParse and if you want those, email me.

          In both cases, the Fileset/FTP Protocol does the actual selection of file candidates from the source location.

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #120548
          Chris Roca

            Thanks Jim,

            We are running Cloverleaf 19.1, sounds like the mask property is a great improvement.

            I will reach out to regarding the DirParse.


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