Direct-sender, question

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf Direct-sender, question

  • Creator
  • #118620


      In Cloverleaf 6.2 they introduced the “protocol” direct-sender, that gives me the opportunity to send and e-mail directly from the OB thread, and it works great.

      My question is, can I override the information in “New Email Helper”, meaning can I with a tcl script decide Subject or/and e-mail receiver.

      Secondly, there can be defined multiple “Helpers”, how can i choose which helper I will use.



      • This topic was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by TorfinnK.
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    • Author
      • #118622
        Peter Heggie

          I don’t know how to manage multiple helpers, but I do use tcl to override the Subject and Recipient.

          set userdata [msgmetaget $mh USERDATA]

          set subject “CCDA / Discharge Summary Document for $patient”
          keylset userdata helper.subject $subject

          set email_to $recipient
          keylset userdata $email_to

          set MDNto [hcitbllookup “ccda_parms” “CCDA_MDN_to”]
          keylset userdata headers.Disposition-Notification-To $MDNto

          keylset userdata headers.Message-ID “$uuid”

          set myattachment1 {}
          keylset myattachment1 contentFile “$ccdafile”
          keylset myattachment1 contentType “text/xml”

          set shortname [file tail $ccdafile]
          keylsset attachments “$shortname” $myattachment1
          keylset userdata attachments “$attachments”
          msgmetaset $mh USERDATA “$userdata”

          Peter Heggie

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