default route to catch any failed TrxIds

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  • Creator
  • #55105
    Tom Canavan

      I’m looking for the correct setup to route specific TrxIds to an outbound thread and all others to a second thread. I’m not sure how to setup the default.

      I have a UPOC to create the TrxId from PV1.3 and MSH.9 and I want to route one location to one outbound thread and all others to a second outbound thread. There are about 1,000 other locations.

      I was thinking of TrxId 1 as CICCTMRIORU.* as a wildcard and then *ORU.* as a second wildcard but would that cause the CICCTMRI to be routed to both?

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    • Author
      • #84114
        Mark Thompson


          Your TrxID proc sets whatever routes you want and you build those into your NetConfig.  So if your TrxID proc returns “A” for everything you want on one route and “B” for everything else, you put A and B as the routes in your NetConfig.  Usually more informative route names are used, but it is entirely up to you.

          - Mark Thompson

        • #84115
          Tom Canavan

            Thanks Mark. My problem is that I have more than A and B.

            More specifically, I’m creating the TrxId by concatenating PV1.3 and MSH.9. There are over 1,000 combinations and I want to find a way to route the messages without having to code each TrxId route.

          • #84116
            Mark Thompson

              If your TrxID proc determines the route.  If you can build the logic there, you don’t need wild card routes.  Unfortunately NetConfig doesn’t have an ELSE or DEFAULT route (a route that would be used if none of the other routes applied).  That would be a GREAT idea for an enhancement request.

              - Mark Thompson

            • #84117
              Tom Canavan

                That’s right! I get what you’re saying now. Instead of using the raw data from PV1.3 I’ll convert it to generic values in the TrxId proc and make a manageable set of routes that way. Thanks!

              • #84118
                Jim Kosloskey

                  Why not do the wildcarding to your satisfaction inside the proc once you have done the concat?

                  The problem is every time you need to change the wildcarding you would need to change the proc. An option to that would be to provide the wildcard spec as an argument to your proc – but then what is the difference from using the Cloverleaf wildcard routing?

                  I am not  well versed in regexp but it might be possible to set a wildcard spec such that you get what you want.

                  By the way, depending on the Cloverleaf release, there is the ability to do multiple field routing so no need  for a trxId proc.

                  Another option might be to route using Event type (normal HL/7 routing) then apply filtering on the routes to only let through what you want. every message would start down the route(s) but only the ones you want would get through. I would think given the information provided 2 routes would suffice.

                  email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

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