Thank you! BETWEEN is probably not going to work in this case. I have an incoming DFT P03 charge message with an MRN but no visit number. The FT1 has a Date of service. I need to get the visit number that is in effect at the time of service.
I’m using the MRN and date of service to do a lookup in a table of patient visits, one row per encounter, and I want to first find the admit date closest to but not greater than the date of service – the incoming charge transaction may be for a previous visit, not the current visit. So once I find the admit date, then I can use that to find the visit number and encounter number that corresponds to that date of service.
Given this data:
mrn ecd encounter admitdate
1000111055 200222201 3000301 2018-01-01 08:53:00.000
1000111055 200222202 3000302 2018-02-05 16:03:00.000
1000111055 200222203 3000303 2017-12-01 15:53:00.000
1000111055 200222204 3000304 2017-11-15 00:01:00.000
1000111055 200222205 3000305 2017-12-11 15:06:00.000
and a charge message having mrn 1000111055 and DOS of 2018-02-01 12:24:56, I expect to get an admit date of 2018-01-01 08:53:00.000, and then I can query to get the ecd of 200222201.
If I use a BETWEEN with the lower bound being the lowest possible date, then I’ll pick up the first admit date of 2017-11-15 00:01:00.
Peter Heggie