My problem is with fields that are defigned as TS – Time Stamp fields in my variants. In 5.3 if an inbound message contained only a portion of the field then cloverleaf would fill in the rest so that the outbound message would be a fully formed Time stamp complete with Time zone info. What I have found with 5.6 is that it will pass through exactly what comes in and will not add anything to it. I have ruled out any posibility that dates are being modified in scripts.
Below are a few examples of what I am finding:
Inbound data CL 5.3 outbound CL 5.6 outbound
20080714155600 20070714155600.0000-0400 20080714155600
200807141605 20080714160500.0000-0400 200807141605
20080715 20080715xxxxxx.0000-0400 20080715
(xxxxxx = current system time
when message was processed)
Healthvision support said to click on the default timestamp precision in the client preferences of the IDE options. I did this and cycled my entire site, but it had no effect on what I was seeing. The next advise was that I needed to add the DATECOPYOPT to each of my xlates. I am looking at this option to see if that will work for me given the number of xlates involved.
I am still testing to see if the receiving systems even have a problem with not receiving a full timestamp field so I am not really sure that it is a major issue for me, but I would really like to have a better idea of why I am seeing this difference in functionality.
Has anyone else seen this behavior? Is there something that I have missed in my setup? Was this functionality changed for a reason and I just didn’t notice it in the release notes?
Thanks for any insight you can provide!
Craig Weldy
Senior Interface Analyst
Beacon Health System
South Bend, In, 46615