Cycle Save on Process Restart?

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf Cycle Save on Process Restart?

  • Creator
  • #117902
    Michael Burrows

      In our Cloverleaf environment, we have some test sites and some production sites, which mirror each other in terms of their contents, setup, and configuration.

      We have noticed that when we restart a process in our test site, Cloverleaf will automatically cycle save the .msg and .idx files for the threads in that process.

      However, the same does not happen in our production site; only the log and error files are cycled.

      This is actually good, since we have a script to archive our production SMAT files daily, and we don’t care so much about the files in test. If they get overwritten or deleted, so be it.

      But for the life of me, I can not find out where these behaviors are configured. I have compared the process configurations in the GUI for each site and they are set up identically… nothing is checked on the properties screen in either the test or production processes.

      It seems that whomever came before me set this up just as we needed it, but I have no idea where this setting resides, let alone how to change it if we ever see the need.

      Any ideas what I am overlooking?



      Michael Burrows

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    • Author
      • #117907
        Charlie Bursell

          I know you can cycle on size or date/time but unaware, without code, to cycle on process start.

          Process Configuration dialog box

          <p class=”p”>On the Process Configuration dialog box, select Automatic SMAT Cycling to specify the SMAT files are cyclable. By default, the option is not selected and the SMAT files are not cycled.</p>
          <p class=”p”>The Threshold in kilobytes field specifies the maximum file size before cycling. This applies only to .msg files. When the threshold value is zero, the cycling mechanism is disabled, even if the option is selected.</p>
          <p class=”p”>SMAT files can also be cycled based on date and time. This is also available for cycling process logs.</p>

        • #117917
          Michael Burrows



            Well, that explains why I can’t find the setting anywhere… I will keep digging.


            After further investigation, it looks like this isn’t happening consistently in our test sites, although it is happening most of the time.

          • #117959
            Robert Kersemakers

              You can do this in the Network Configurator: select from the top menu Process/Configure… Here you can configure this per process.

              Also: when you change the encoding of a thread (from UTF-8 to windows-1252 for example) and then restart the thread/process, the SMAT file will be recycled automatically.

              Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

            • #117967
              Charlie Bursell


                Have I missed something?  I see where under process configuration you can cycle SMAT on threshold but I see no way to cycle upon process start.

                Interesting about the encoding change.  I never ran into that.  I guess it makes sense you don’t want wo different encodings in the file/database.

              • #117970
                Michael Burrows

                  I can not find it there either.


                  I have also found that since I posted this topic, this behavior has been inconsistent in our test sites. I think there is something else causing the SMAT to cycle off, and it is not necessarily associated with process restarting.


                  My first thought is that perhaps when I have seen this behavior, the SMAT file is open in the SMAT tool. I believe that having a SMAT file open in the SMAT tool will “lock” the SMAT file, so that when another message comes in, it creates a new SMAT. This would make sense to us if this was the culprit for this behavior, because our policy is to not open the currently active SMAT file in our LIVE environment… but instead to copy it and open the copy. But in TEST, we have no such policy.


                  Thank you for all the responses.


                  Michael Burrows

                  Phoebe Putney Health System

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