if { ! [ string equal [ string range $csn 0 2 ] “400” ] } {
lreplace $segments 6 6 “”
eval { exec echo [ join $segments “rn” ] | mailx -s “Message Subject” $email }
I use lreplace to remove the 7th item in the list because it is an embedded PDF that doesn’t need to be sent.
If I put “echo [ join $segments “rn” ]” after lreplace and run the script, the PDF is stripped and the email that is generated doesn’t have it. However after reloading the tps into the thread Network Monitor, and resending the same message I used to test with, the PDF is sent in the email. If I change the [ join $segments “rn” ] to “grrr rn”, reload and resend, the email correctly sends “grrr” and the crlf.