We have used the string “ct” before but not as you requested. We have used it to check to see if a string contains a literal such as “INT”. Here is the example:
0(0).PV1.#2.[0] eq =R && 0(0).PV1.#10.[0] ct =INT
I’m not sure if the “ct” string command can be used in the way you want. What we have done here is taken the inbound value and run it through a pre-proc to check to see if the field is numeric. If so, then perform some function. In our case, we set it to a variable called @isnumeric to be used later in the xlate.
It would be nice if all solutions were submitted through Cloverltech instead of private emails. That way, everyone can share in the benefits of knowing all possible solutions.
At least…that is what one Clovertecher told me a while back! 😀
One caveat concerning the use of the “digit” class with the “string is” command. If you have a negative value such as -1, then the “string is digit” command will return false. It would probably best suit your purposes to use “string is integer”.