CSC 4.3 on linux

  • Creator
  • #52266
    Scott Folley

      I was talking to James the other day and he encouraged me to post this to save others the frustration that I experienced.  I spent two weeks installing, cleaning up, and reinstalling CSC 4.3 on a new linux server.  What I thought was that there was something wrong in my environment setup so I kept looking at all of the packages and libraries that I had installed.  I compared that setup to another box that I had for testing.  On that box it would run without issue.  My comparisons showed that the two systems were set up almost identically (the almost is the key but the difference was not at all apparent).  The error that I kept getting was with the tbcload library and it was extremely cryptic.

      To make what was a very long story significantly shorter, the new linux server had the /tmp directory on a separate disk that was mounted at boot.  When it was mounted the “noexec” option was used to mount it.  Because of that the installation process and the server GUI could not extract the TCL TBCs to the /tmp directory and then run them.  As soon as I discovered this are remounted the /tmp file system without the noexec option, the installation proceeded with no issues and everything now works without issue.

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