I am trying to set up a second user, one other than ‘administrator’, and I feel like I’m missing something. In order to create the user in the UI you have to generate certificates. To create those certificates, you have to use Certificate Manager. You enter the ‘Issue User Certificate’ flow which will generate a .der file that you are to send to the user.
My issue is that at the point you send them that file, they can’t do anything with it without using some form of third party tool. They’re supposed to create a password then send you the file back, then you use that to create the final cert that you send to them for use. THEN you can create that user in the GM UI and add views, etc to their account.
1. Did I mistunderstand something in the process?
2. If not, what tool is the user intended to process the .der file with? (Portecle?)
Thanks in advance for any help that can be offered. The product documentation is pretty light in this area as far as I can tell.