creating new set up using PROTOCOL:http-client

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf creating new set up using PROTOCOL:http-client

  • Creator
  • #118471
    Gene Millard

      We are creating a new connected from interconnect to cloverleaf and from cloverleaf to a downstream system.

      We have been told we need to use PROTOCOL:http-client on both sides to do this. We have never used this protocol before.  We would greatly appreciate any help on how to set this up in interconnect and on cloverleaf.

      Gene Millard

      The Guthrie Clinic

      The Guthrie Clinic
      Sayre, PA

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    • Author
      • #118473
        Jerry Sawa

          We may be doing this soon.  Following….

        • #118476
          David Speare

            You have no tcp/ip threads at all.  Is that you mean?


          • #118481
            Gene Millard

              We have threads that use PROTOCOL:file, PROTOCOL:fileset-local and PROTOCOL:pdl-tcpip.

              No threads that use PROTOCOL:tcpip or PROTOCOL:http:client

              The Guthrie Clinic
              Sayre, PA

            • #118482
              Jim Kosloskey

                I have done http_client protocol in Cloverleaf 6.0. In my case it required some Tcl due to the connection requirements of the system to which I was connecting. I would be willing to share that proc with you. If you want it, email me,

                Once I got the proper login information from the system I was connecting to it see4med to work fine. It never got out of Test though due to internal politics.

                I have no idea what to do with interconnect.

                email: 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

              • #118487
                Robert Kersemakers

                  Getting a bit more experience with webservice/API connections.
                  When sending from Cloverleaf, use http-client as protocol. When receiving, use java/ws-server as protocol.

                  Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

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