Creating an A04 from SIU 14 Message

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf Creating an A04 from SIU 14 Message

  • Creator
  • #50528
    Alka Sharma

      I have been asked to create an A04 from a SIU 14 message. So I used the continue in the xlate and extracted what I need to create an A04. The output is two messages from one SIU Message (One SIU and one A04). My probelm is that once I have both the messages created, they both go to Sched (outbound thread). this creates an error on the vendor side on the Sched agent. Vendor is only expects Siu msg on that port and not A04.

      What I need to achieve is to create two messages using the xlate but send SIU to Sched and A04 to Adt (diiferent ports). Do I need an inbetween pass through thread?


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    • Author
      • #66482
        Jim Kosloskey


          Route the message twice.

          One route with the SIU (separate Xlate) tot he Scheduling destination, another route with a different Xlate creating the A04 to the destination that needs the A04.

          One inbound 2 outbounds, 2 routes on the inbound for the same inbound message, two different Xlates.

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #66483
          Alka Sharma

            Thanks so much! it works. I think I was trying to make it more complicated than it was. Happy Holidays.


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