fileset-Local/Directory Parse
1) tpsScanDir -> passes a list of files (dispList: {CONTINUE message0})
2) tpsPdfToTxt -> converts the files to text, passes a list of files (dispList: {CONTINUE message0})
3) tpsMs4ParseTxt -> parses the text, creates new xml messages, passes the xml messages (dispList: {KILL message0} {CONTINUE message1} {CONTINUE message2} {CONTINUE message3})
– static/raw
Code Snippet
set fileList [msgget $mh]
lappend dispList “KILL $mh”
…. (loop) …
set newMsg [join $xmlMsg “”]
set mh [msgcreate -recover $newMsg]
lappend dispList “CONTINUE $mh”
Why doesn’t this work?
-- Max Drown (Infor)