Create an A08 from A01

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf Create an A08 from A01

  • Creator
  • #55734
    Omair Haq


      I need to create an A08 in the interface after sending every A34 (merge message) from the source system. I’m using Continue command to achieve this and seems like its working. The only problem I’m having is that the interface engine created A08 has also MRG segment. I try making MRG as option on A34 variant; and also putting @null in MRG-1 but still I’m seeing a blank MRG. In A34, the only field which is populated is MRG-1.

      Also, what is the difference b/w Send and continue command in the Xlate? Appreciate the help in advance.

      Example when @null for MRG.1 in an A08:

      MSH|^~&|EPIC|TMH|CCG|TMH|20170502103918|239|ADT^A08|3925090|T|2.3< EVN|A08|20170502103918< PID|1||100426618||MERGETWO^PATIENTA^TARGET||19770501|F||C|123 MARATHON RD^^BIG PINE KEY^FL^33043^USA|MONROE|(234)234-2342|(250)333-3333^PRN^PH^^^250^3333333< MRG<>

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    • Author
      • #86344
        Keith McLeod

          Pathcopy @null to mrg segment no field like

          pathcopy @null

        • #86345
          Jim Kosloskey

            Except when doing reroute SEND delivers the message directly to the Outbound Protocol.

            When doing reroute, SEND cause the message to go to the routing.

            CONTINUE moves the message to the next stage in the engine (post Xlate).

            Initially the result is the same.

            I recommend and like to use CONTINUE unless I am doing rerouting or I KNOW the message needs to go directly to the outbound.

            What I have seen happen when SEND is used is some time later the need arises for some post Xlate processing (typically a TCL proc or perhaps a following link in Xlate chaining). But the following activity does not happen because SEND bypasses the activity. So lot’s of head banging until the SEND is changed to CONTINUE.

            I cover this in my Xlate class.

            email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

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