Counting duplicates (resends) in a smat file

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf Counting duplicates (resends) in a smat file

  • Creator
  • #51780
    Steve Pringle

      Is there an easy way to count duplicates (resends) in a smat file?  We have a client we’re sending results to and their system doesn’t always ack back in time, so we resend.  When we tally up how many results we have sent vs how many they received it doesn’t always match because of our resends.



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    • Author
      • #71740
        Jim Kosloskey


          You might check the .idx file for the mid (Message ID) I don’t think that changes with each resend so you could have a Tcl proc that reads through the SMAT .idx file and looks for identical mids and report on that.

          Or… if the mid does change, assuming your message has an appropriate control ID – for HL/7 that would be MSH-10, you can read through the .msg file (using the .idx as the pointer or any other method that will allow you to look at each individual message) and look for the same control id and report on that.

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #71741
          Steve Pringle


            That sounds like a good solution.  I’ll give it a shot.



          • #71742
            Russ Ross

              There is also the ablitly to wirte a TCL proc to proactively do whatever you want when a message times out and gets resent.

              For example, you could write each resent message out to a file or simply increment a counter if that is all you need.

              Here is one of my old posts illustrating how a resend TCL proc sends out an alert once a message is resent x number of times, which you could use as a tangible example and leverage for you own needs:

                  <a href="; class=”bbcode_url”>

              You might also want to read this URL since resend procs can only be used if opting not to use the built in resned capability with later versions of cloverleaf from what I currently understand:

                  <a href="; class=”bbcode_url”>

              Russ Ross

            • #71743
              Vince Angulo

                When we were on 5.4, I found that resends had the name of the outbound thread in the Sending Host field, whereas the original send has the inbound thread name there.

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