Is there a command to count the number of active threads within a site? We are purchasing additional threads and need a count of our current threads (without having to manually count them).
Not constrained by ‘Active threads’, I have what is probably a basic question:
What is the definition of an ‘Active thread’?
Is it the number of threads actually started or the number defined?
If it is the number started, that number could change from day to day (or even hour to hour) if Test is included.
I would think using something like hciconnstatus could give you that information, or you could write Tcl accessing the msistats.
If it is the number defined, then as Ron indicated you could go after the NetConfigs or once again I guess maybe use hciconnstatus and interpret the output differently.
email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.
Jim, there’s a new license option that uses thread counts for inbound and outbound connections. I think it keeps the initial cost down for some smaller sites. Which allows healthvison to be a better fit for them.
Thanks – I was aware of that licensing option but I just don’t know the exact meaning of an ‘Active thread’.
I know some of the vendors that use set count licensing use number of users actually using the system (you can have many as you want with the software client but maybe only 10 can be logged in at once), others limit the number of licenses and if some aren’t logged in then you are paying licenses for non-use.
I was just curious which way this is done.
email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.