I think the Comment capability is in Cloverleaf(R) 5.6.
In the meantime, something I do at times is to use an IF and place the suspect actions inside. The IF is something like IF =true eq =true.
I can then place as many actions inside the IF as I need. I move the ones I think are a problem inside.
If the Xlate is large and the potential problem area is large, I sometimes do a ‘binary search’ equivalent. Splitting the Xlate in two, testing one half at a time. If the issue happens in that half, I halve it again and test and so on until I narrow down the area. If in the first half test the error does not appear, I then test the other half and start splitting that up, etc.
Once I have it down to a manageable size, I might then use the IF technique above.
I also have a proc I can invoke anywhere which echos out whatever is specified in the Source side of the CALL Action where the proc is referenced. The proc has a debug switch so it only ecxhos out if the debug switch is set.
Sometimes I use that inside very complex ITERATEs, or IFs and then leave it in place with the debug switch set off so that in testing it does not echo out but I do not have to figure out where to place these traps later when doing redevelopment or maintenance, etc.
Jim Kosloskey
email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.