Command to Disable Alerts 5.8

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf Command to Disable Alerts 5.8

  • Creator
  • #52692
    John Hamilton

      I know there is a way to do this. Or I saw it a conference way back when.

      Can someone tell me how to disable and enable alerts from the command line.

      I have looked all through the documentation and cant’ find it. I’m sure it has to be there.

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    • Author
      • #75140
        Robert Kersemakers

          One way of disabling alerts is to kill the monitor daemon: ‘hcisitectl -k m’. But your network monitor won’t work then either.

          We created an alert file called ’empty.alrt’ with no alerts at all, or just a few basic ones. We then kill the monitor daemon and start it again, with the ’empty.alrt’ as alert file. We normally do this through the IDE; I don’t know exactly the syntax to do it from the command line with hcisitectl.

          Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

        • #75141
          Bob Richardson


            We are running both CIS5.7R2 and CIS5.8R4 and the following groups of commands using hcicmd do work with a caveat:

            disable        disable alert commands list  :: disable all/alert/group/config

            disable all    disable all alerts           :: disable all

            disable alert  disable alert by name        :: disable alert

            disable group  disable alert by named group :: disable group

            disable config disable alert by alert file  :: disable config

            enable         enable alert commands list   :: enable all/alert/group/config

            enable all     enable all alerts            :: enable all

            enable alert   enable alert by name         :: enable alert

            enable group   enable alert by named group  :: enable group

            enable config  enable alert by alert file   :: enable config

            The caveat is:  once you enable alerts any “last read” and “last write” alerts will fire falsely.  It is as if the engine retained the stats on these guys and once enabled fired them off.  I had reported this as a Lawson Case and also raised it as an issue at CUE11.  Don’t have a current status on any planned fixes or priority here.

            We do use Robert’s method of a “downtime.alrt” file that is empty. We use a function call to do “alertsdown” and then “alertsup” which refreshes the default.alrt file with a backup copy.  This is used for Cloverleaf downtimes before a failover event.

            Also:  developed a script (ksh93) with hcitcl to allow us to selectively remove and then restore groups of alerts.  This is used for selective application downtimes only.  The script is run interactively.

            Basically, with these Cloverleaf versions the alerts in default.alrt are keyed now.  It is a bit tricky to find and remove ALERT entries but our extractor works like a charm.  We pass an argument of group(s) to remove; store them into a file; then for the restore we cat this file back to the existing default.alrt file.  In this way, someone may have updated the master – default.alrt – and we don’t want to blow away later updates here.

            If you like I can post the “alert extractor” code for you to examine.

            A few approaches.

            And, then there is the “comment out” feature for 5.8R4 which we have NOT explored but may be another option to crank some code around.

            Have fun!

            Hope this helps.

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