command line smat reader for cis 5.8

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf command line smat reader for cis 5.8

  • Creator
  • #52151
    Alex Puzikov

      Hi folks.

      Did any one create command line utility to read new version of smat files?

      If yes, please share your code.


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    • Author
      • #73230

        Alex, I’ll get you something as soon I get a chance. Hang in there.

        -- Max Drown (Infor)

      • #73231

        Got these from Charlie awhile ago.


        # Put newline in front of every MSH but first
        perl -pi.bak -e “s/(r.*?)MSH/$1nMSH/g”

        # Remove the thread name from end of message
        perl -pi.bak -e “s/(.*r).*$/$1/g”

        # Put newline after last message
        perl -pi.bak -e “s/[^n]z/n/”

        There is also the command included with Cloverleag called “hcismatconvert “. You would use this command and pipe the output to a file or another command such as my scripts:

        -- Max Drown (Infor)

      • #73232
        Charlie Bursell

          Just to simplify things a bit I wrote a script to convert 5.8+ SMAT files to newline-delimted files for testing, etc.  It works for all types inclucing HL7

          The script works just as well on Unix.  Simply remove the .htc extension and make sure it is executable.

          I would recommend putting the script in $HCIROOT/contrib to make it available anywhere in the root

          I tried to write it in such a manner to make it easy to modify for other SMAT purposes if wanted.  All of the keys, etc are discussed at the top of the script

          Run the command SMAT3NL at the command to see usage (pretty simple)

          No warranties or guarantees 😀

        • #73233
          Alex Puzikov

            Thank you for your help.

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