Clovertech has been unreliable lately for me, too.
To prove your point it took almost 40 minutes to make this post.
In fact, I called our help desk wondering if MD Anderson was blocking the clovertech site but was told a 504 error message meant the clovertech site was not avaialable.
My symptoms have been random with slow to hung responses with 504 error message on a random basis.
I talked to my coworkers and they said clovertech was hit or miss for them too lately.
So for now it is a case or repeated trying and then deciding to keep trying or give up.
The sitatuation that bums me out is when I make a response and then hit preview and then nothing and my resonse is trashed.
That sort of instability has interferred with my participation on clovertech lately.
Good thing I copied this post because it got hung on my first try.
Russ Ross