For a while now Infor and a Work Group of clovertechers instituted by the User Experience Special Interest Group (SIG) sponsored by the Product Advisory Board have been working towards providing an upgrade to clovertech.
The members of that Work Group were:
Michael Shoemaker
Jeff Dinsmore
Kelly Spano
Ron Ortiz
Chad Flodman
Robert Milfajt
Todd Pollock
Brian Hochenedel
Mike Strout
Todd Horst
and Infor resources.
Mike was the Chairperson of the Work Group.
Based on input from the community, the Work Group assembled a list of criteria for the new clovertech. That group did a phenomenal job I think.
Research into various products which would meet the criteria of the community and Infor was conducted and a hierarchy of potential products was established.
Infor took that list of products and the criteria and found the product that would give Infor and the community the best match.
Infor stood up a server and deployed the appropriate software. All of the current clovertech content will be preserved and accessible.
Now we need to evaluate that product and give feedback.
The current clovertech is very old and is failing. Infor has been holding it together but its days are numbered.
So we have until 2/9/2018 to do the evaluation.
We would like about 5 or 6 people to volunteer become the Evaluation Work Group. There is a paper which outlines the Evaluation Goals.
If you think you can devote some time to this Work Group, please email me ASAP. We will establish a Work Group of however many we can up to 5 or 6 people within the next couple of days so time is of the essence.
At the same time, any observations outside the scope of the goals will be welcome and be provided to Infor for future enhancements.
The intent is this product will be maintained and administered by Infor and be a continually evolving resource for the Cloverleaf community.
Hopefully if the evaluation is done promptly, we will publish a feature list prior to go live.
Jim Kosloskey
email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.