Cloverleaf Xlate using procs with args

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf Cloverleaf Xlate using procs with args

  • Creator
  • #50227
    Scherie Drewa


      I have a translate and I want to add a  proc called subFieldReplace.

      With this proc, I want to replace the *  with an A.

      my args:     OBX.8=*=A

      I know where to place the proc (preproc), but I don’t know where to place the args.  Where do I put the Args?

      Thanks in advance for your assistance.


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    • Author
      • #65272
        Jim Kosloskey


          You can put them in the Source side of the COPY or whatever Action.

          Then in your proc you need to get them.

          If you require them to be positional then you must always place them in the same relative psotion in the Source list and reference that position accordingly in your proc.

          I personally, have a problem remembering where positional arguments go, so I like to use named arguments (for some reason I can normally remember the names). I thenwrite my procs to search for the names I want so the arguments can be anywhere in the Source List of the Action.

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

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