cloverleaf v19.1.1 hcisiteinit not in list

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf cloverleaf v19.1.1 hcisiteinit not in list


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  • #115067

      Not seeing the site in the list to be selected after initialization.  I also noticed that the server.ini isn’t getting updated.  Any idea?  Also, is there a command to show a list of all your current sites?

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    • Author
      • #115083
        Rob Abbott

          The command line tool does not update server.ini or the security server.  The GUI site init tool does both of these things.


          If you have used the command line tool and want to add the site to the host server, you’ll need to edit the server.ini file by hand.

          There isn’t a command to list sites — although there may be an API for this in CLAPI.

          From the command line on Linux you can go to the root directory and run “ls -l */siteInfo” to see a list of sites.  On Windows I think it would be something like “dir /s siteInfo”


          Rob Abbott
          Cloverleaf Emeritus

          • #115803


              On one of your customers servers, Linux, I found that the command line hcisiteinit doesn’t work. But after I created one site with the hciguisiteinit successfully, the command line hcisiteinit works fine. Can anyone confirm that.

          • #115084
            Charlie Bursell

              Here is a simple proc to list your sites


            • #115085
              Charlie Bursell

                Again with the message “Sorry, this file type is not permitted for security reasons”   when I attempt to upload my proc.  I will have to figure this out


                Here is the code for listSites proc

                #!/usr/bin/env tcl

                # This script will provide a list of sites for this root

                proc main {} {

                # The get the root path
                set root $::env(HCIROOT)

                # Read server.ini file
                if {[catch {read_file -nonewline [file join $root server server.ini]} ini]} {
                puts stderr “\nCannot open server.ini: $ini\n”
                exit -1

                # Get env
                if {![regexp -line — {^environs=(.*?)$} $ini {} envStr]} {
                puts stderr “\nCannot find site list in server.ini\n”
                exit -1

                set MASTER {}; set DEFAULT {}
                catch {
                set info [read_file -nonewline [file join $root rootInfo]]

                regexp -line — {^site=(.*?)$} $info {} DEFAULT
                regexp -line — {^mastersite=(.*?)$} $info {} MASTER

                puts stdout “\nSite list for root $root:”

                foreach site [split $envStr “;”] { lappend siteList [file tail $site] }

                foreach site [lsort $siteList] {

                set M {}; set D “”
                if {$site eq $MASTER} { set M “MASTER SITE” }
                if {$site eq $DEFAULT} { set D “DEFAULT SITE” }

                puts stdout “\t$site\t\t$M $D”


              • #115091

                  Where can I find the GUI site init tool?

                • #115101
                  Rob Abbott

                    The GUI site init tool is available on Windows platforms through the start menu.  Drill down to Infor Cloverleaf and you’ll find it.

                    On Linux and AIX platforms you can run it from the command line with “hciguisiteinit”.

                    Rob Abbott
                    Cloverleaf Emeritus

                  • #115111

                      Found it.  This was in the extracted portable client folder.



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                    • #115879

                        I think I know what the problem are, after a new install there’s a line in the server.ini that looks something like: environs = /hci/cis19.1/integrator/helloworld

                        If you do hcisiteinit new_site_name, it will not be added to the environs line, but if you remove the space before (and after) the equalsign (=) I bet it will work.

                        Line 341 in the hcisiteinit script looks like
                        $inistring =~ s/environs=(.*)/environs=$newPath\;$1/g;

                        The statement does not expect a space between environs and =

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