Cloverleaf SMATDB files growing (v6.2.3.x)

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf Cloverleaf SMATDB files growing (v6.2.3.x)


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  • #119214

      We have a few a SMATDB Files growing. We don’t have SMAT files.

      The Option in the GUI in v6.2.3 in site preference (SMAT) has “Enable SMAT History” and Max. SMAT files to 10 files, with size of 0.1 Gig and Age as 7 days (Screenshot attached).

      Still our SMATDB files have data from Dec 2020 (today is 9.28.21) and are 30Gig each and growing.

      Are we doing something wrong? Do we need cron/script on top of this above setting to cycle them ?

      If cron/script is needed then what’s the purpose of the above CLE inbuilt setting ?


      Can someone help!



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      • #119216
        Jay Hammond

          Sounds like maybe the Daemons haven’t been bounced.

          I found this a few years ago and use it to remind myself occasionally when I forget which needs to be bounced for which.

          From Max Drown on Clovertech:

          There are two components: site and process.

          The SITE options controls the creation of the LogHistory and SmatHistory directories under the process directory AND keeps these directories pruned so the disk usage doesn’t grow forever.

          The PROCESS settings (NetConfig/Process Menu) control when each file in a process is cycled into the LogHistory and SmatHistory directories.

          For the SITE changes, the entire site needs to be bounced, including the daemons. 

          For the PROCESS changes, the process needs to be bounced. And, unfortunately, you have to manually set the cycling for each new process. 

        • #119217
          Gene Millard

            We had to set the Automatic SMAT Cycling under Process Configuration for it to work.

            Choose Process next to the Options tab.



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            The Guthrie Clinic
            Sayre, PA

          • #119219
            John Mercogliano

              These settings are just to help you manager the SmatHistory folder.  But you still have to get them there.

              You have two options to get them there, cron or if you open the netconfig and select process Configuration, for each process you can set the automatic log and smat cycling by size.  I set the size to 200000 for smat.  200 mb appears to be a good size and still get pretty good searches in the gui.

              John Mercogliano
              Sentara Healthcare
              Hampton Roads, VA

            • #119220

                Hi John , So based on your size limit, anything above 200 mb will be deleted/purged from the SMATDB file,  first in/first out.

                I think that should help me with my processes-SMATDB files.

              • #119221
                John Mercogliano

                  I would not say purged/deleted.  More like the current smatdb is archived to the SmatHistory and a blank one is initialized for use by the engine.

                  So, that would be when your preference take in.  Now .1 GB yes I believe it would delete almost immediately once there.  Are you sure that is what you want?  If you don’t process a lot of data the cycle size definitely can be smaller.  Also, you can leave it higher just to make sure it does not get to large and cycle once a day in cron and get the best of both worlds.

                  John Mercogliano
                  Sentara Healthcare
                  Hampton Roads, VA

                • #119223

                    Thanks everyone for your responses, appreciate that 🙂 This is a great community.

                    Hi John – Did i say it correctly – I am fairly new to this.


                    1. Setting under – OPTION – SITE PREFERENCE – SMAT (dictates what happens in SmatHistory folder


                    2. Setting under Process – Configure – “Each Process” (dictates on how to move the files from /exec/processes/processname to ./SmatHistory)


                    And in my site setting 1 is enabled but not setting 2, so since nothing is moved into SmatHistory, no action is taken.

                    I am not sure what should be the base number, but will start of with

                    1- 10000 (site pref)

                    2- 100000 (individual process)


                    What would happen to the SMATDB file which is sitting in process folder – 30 gig (37376437248).




                  • #119224
                    John Mercogliano

                      You are correct on your understanding.    But your site preference numbers are off.  The values you specify represent the total value of all files in the SmatHistory where as the Process values represent each file the process is currently writing to.

                      Example: If your process has 5 connections and you save a smat on each.  That is 5 smat files that have to potential to be cycled to the smathistory. If daily they generate say 10000 kb, that would be 50000 kb a day.  If you want to save 5 days you will want the max size to be greater then 250000 to ensure you hit 5 days. Same goes with the number of files.  You would need it to be greater then 25 to ensure you keep 5 days.

                      My recommendation would be to set your preferences to unlimited and monitor for a week to get an idea of what the potential is.

                      For the 30gb file.  If you set the process size limit it should cycle but I’ve never tried to cycle a file that big so I don’t know how long that will take nor if it will hang the process while doing it.

                      Hope that helps.  I have never really seen good explanation of the best way to set this up.

                      John Mercogliano
                      Sentara Healthcare
                      Hampton Roads, VA

                    • #119225

                        I understand what you are saying, thank you John for  your help, appreciate it.



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