Cloverleaf Server reboot – not Host server

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  • Creator
  • #51344
    Sam Craig

      Previous post might have been misleading, so I am asking again.

      How often does your organization reboot the Cloverleaf server?

      Here is the paragraph from Cloverleaf Integration Services User Guide, Volume 2 / Version 5.5 / page 433…….


      Booting Your Machine

      Part of maintenance is booting the Cloverleaf

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    • Author
      • #69805
        Robert Milfajt

          AIX 5.3, running CL 5.5 Rev1

          We reboot only when we have to.  It appears our last reboot was 6/21/09, and I think it was because we had some network or data center maintenance.

          Robert Milfajt
          Northwestern Medicine
          Chicago, IL

        • #69806
          Todd Lundstedt

            AIX 5.3, Cloverleaf 5.5

            We only reboot the OS for hardware/software maintenance as required by the action being performed (many of our hardware maintenance items are hot-swap).

          • #69807
            Sam Craig

              Thanks for the responses….

              We are also AIX 5.3 and Cloverleaf 5.5 Rev1 and our server has been running for 244 days.

              We have a reboot scheduled for tomorrow to apply some AIX maintenance.

            • #69808
              Bob Schmid

                As a matter of a routinely schedule reboot….we dont !

              • #69809
                Jerry Tilsley

                  Our Linux server which hosts our Cloverleaf hasn’t been rebooted for 322 days, on only then because we added enough interfaces that we finally need to adjust the shared memory parameters!

                • #69810

                  Robert Schmid wrote:

                  As a matter of a routinely schedule reboot….we dont !

                  -- Max Drown (Infor)

                • #69811
                  Robert Milfajt


                    As a matter of a routinely schedule reboot….we dont !  All hail AIX/Unix!  ðŸ˜‰  

                    I bow and genuflect to the UNIX Gods!

                    Robert Milfajt
                    Northwestern Medicine
                    Chicago, IL

                  • #69812
                    Adrian Benson

                      Robert Schmid wrote:

                      As a matter of a routinely schedule reboot….we dont !

                    • #69813
                      Troy Morton

                        We have not re-booted our AIX Server for four years and everything is fine.

                        I would not recommend runnng a Windows Server for more than four days without a reboot, however.


                      • #69814
                        Bob Richardson


                          We schedule quarterly reboots to exercise our Business Continuity procedure:  we maintain two side by side production servers in our data center and perform a manual failover (takes about 30 minutes).  Also:  at one time in Cloverleaf history, then Quovadx support recommended at least a quarterly reboot to clean up memory – sorta like taking a bath at least every 3 months.  If messages drain we do a complete scrub of all of our sites too (we are multi-site).  The justification back then (from support) was that the engine starts to do “weird” things

                          if they are not cycled and memory cleared.

                          This has served us well as our engines continue running fine.

                          We also are an AIX 5.3R2 TL8 shop.


                        • #69815
                          Sam Craig

                            Thanks again for all the responses.

                            More ammo to keep my Cloverleaf application on AIX server and not a Windows server. 8)

                          • #69816
                            Russ Ross

                              Booting weekly for a windows box is not uncommon and likely prudent.

                              Whoever worte the manual to boot so often might be talking about windows.

                              I like to try and reboot our AIX boxes once a year because that is how far our backups go.

                              I ususally have a reason that will allow me to do reboot before 360 days of uptime.

                              However, I rebooted a PROD box this past year that had been up over 900 days before I got a window of opportunity to reboot.

                              I don’t know whether to be proud or ashamed.

                              I was wondering just how long the most uptime anyone had actually done would be and Troy at 4 years beats anything I know of.

                              Does anyone have more uptime with a cloverleaf box than 4 years?

                              Russ Ross

                            • #69817
                              Troy Morton

                                I was wrong.  Our uptime is actually 917 days.

                              • #69818
                                Robert Milfajt

                                  Yeah Troy, big difference between 4 years and just under 2.5 years!   😆

                                  Robert Milfajt
                                  Northwestern Medicine
                                  Chicago, IL

                                • #69819
                                  Dennis Pfeifer

                                    We don’t keep our systems up that long, because I try to replace them every couple of years.

                                  • #69820
                                    Robert Milfajt

                                      Must be nice to have the money to do that…

                                      Robert Milfajt
                                      Northwestern Medicine
                                      Chicago, IL

                                    • #69821
                                      Nate Kruse

                                        We reboot Cloverleaf once a month.  It coincides with a regularily scheduled downtime for a software load on our HIS, so users don’t know any different.

                                      • #69822
                                        Thomas Fortino

                                          Running AIX 5.2 Platform V 5.3P_Rev2. We only reboot for hardware maintenace. Our production server’s uptime is 185 days. I cycle the production hostserver and monitor daemons monthly.

                                        • #69823
                                          Michael Lacriola

                                            Same here. AIX 5.3 up for 209 days. Let’s here it for Unix!!! If you windows server is up past 6 weeks, then you are not loading your security patches. We call it Microsoft Tuesday..

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