Cloverleaf Migration to the cloud

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf Cloverleaf Migration to the cloud

  • Creator
  • #121774
    Carl Tosi

      Hello Cloverleafers,

      We are planning on migrating to the cloud soon.
      I was wondering how many of you out there have done this. If so, could you supply the following information:

      1) Were you able to move all your threads in one setting, or was it done in sections/phases ?
      2) How long did it take you to do the entire migration ?
      3) What were some things that you learned and armed with that knowledge; you would have done differently?
      4) What were some of the most cumbersome issues that arose ?

      All responses appreciated,
      Carl Tosi
      UI Health Systems

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    • Author
      • #121775
        Jay Lontoc

          We migrated to the Cloud SaaS solution single tenant about 2 years ago.

          1) Were you able to move all your threads in one setting, or was it done in sections/phases ?

          All the sites, threads and configuration files can be BOX’ed and deployed at the same time. However, we went live with each integrated systems at different phases. I wouldn’t recommend a big bang go-live for all interfaces due to unforeseen issues.

          2) How long did it take you to do the entire migration ?

          It took us about a year and a half. In addition to the cloud  migration, we upgraded from v6.2 to v2020 at the time. We had to perform testing for all interfaces.

          3) What were some things that you learned and armed with that knowledge; you would have done differently?

          Would pay attention more to the contract details and cloud architecture.

          4) What were some of the most cumbersome issues that arose ?

          Infor resources availability, network and VPN issues. Even though Infor promises no Prod downtime, issues arise in network connectivity and VPN issues.

          • #121776
            Carl Tosi


              The integration team at UIH would be interested in speaking to you as we are interested to learn more about your migration and cutover  experience. We feel the added input would help us plan our own migration.

              Do you have any time available in the next few days for a conference call ?
              Btw, our hospital is located in Chicago, (CST).

              Carl Tosi

            • #121778
              Carl Tosi


                I forgot to give you my direct contact info:

                Carl Tosi

                Looking forward to hearing from you.


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