Cloverleaf is FHIR ready?

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    • #83769
      Rob Abbott

      Yes, really 🙂

      You can use out-of-the box functionality with Cloverleaf and the Web Services adapter to implement FHIR interfaces.  

      Infor has done this both at Connectathons and at a customer site using real-world production data.

      We plan to enhance the Web Services adapter to include FHIR samples based on the work product above in our next release.

      Rob Abbott
      Cloverleaf Emeritus

    • #83770
      James Cobane

      I think the sticky point here is the “and the Web Services adaptor”.  The phrase “out-of-the-box” would imply that there is no additional add-on/purchase required to implement said services (FHIR).  With FHIR becoming the new way to connect and gaining momentum, it would be great if the Web services component was part of the core Cloverleaf (i.e. just another protocol), rather than additional cost component.  I’m hopeful that this is the direction that Infor is going.

      Jim Cobane

      Henry Ford Health

    • #83771
      David Teh

      Got this reply from Support:

      Below Cloverleaf 6.0.1

    • #83772
      Rob Abbott


      Cloverleaf 6.2 and after

      Rob Abbott
      Cloverleaf Emeritus

    • #83773
      David Teh

      Sorry, should have been “FHIR” rather than WSA.

      Official reply:

      We will not officially release FHIR until Cloverleaf 6.2. However, as it stands today customers need Cloverleaf 6.0.1 or above and the CAA-WS 2.0 web services adapter.

      The web services adapter is required.

      We will be delivering the FHIR XML schema, based off the latest draft standard for trial use (DTSU-2), along with sample slates, thread configurations, etc.

      We will keep this FHIR distribution up to date with regular release schedules.

      The official HL7 normative, (final voted version), is not due out until summer 2017.

      FHIR is delivered through ICS/Services until the 6.2 release.

      I have reviewed the install guide for CAA-WS 2.0 and it does not support 5.8.x. So a upgrade is needed.

      It is suggested to install the latest version of Cloverleaf with the CAA-WS 2.0 and use that for all their FHIR traffic.

      That way they would not have to update all their cloverleaf sites.  Since you can install multiple versions of cloverleaf on same server this might be the best solution, assuming the hardware and OS are supported.

      Also they will need services package.

      Rob Abbott wrote:


      Cloverleaf 6.2 and after

    • #83774
      Vince Angulo

      Coming into the discussion really late here, but if you have the Cloverleaf engine and the web services adapter, is that really “all” needed to be working with FHIR?

      Although we have neither a Bridges or OpenEngine license, we have both Epic and Cerner inhouse.  We’ve been told by management to be ready to start doing ‘lots with FHIR’ as both those vendors appear to be all-in on FHIR.

      Also suggested that we have our MS-Visual Studio installs up-to-date as that may be needed to work with FHIR.  Has anyone found that VS is helpful in doing FHIR integration?

    • #83775
      Levy Lazarre


      The official .Net API for HL7 FHIR can be found on GitHub at the following location:

      It allows you to use Visual Studio to write programs for FHIR. I imagine this would be for standalone applications. Cloverleaf offers no native support for .Net, so I don’t see how you would easily integrate with Cloverleaf.

      If you know Java, then you can easily use HAPI FHIR within Cloverleaf. It’s just a matter of dropping the appropriate HAPI “jar” files somewhere in the Cloverleaf Java CLASSPATH and write some Java TPS – fully supported in Cloverleaf.

    • #83776
      Vince Angulo

      Thanks Levy, that makes perfect sense.

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