Cloverleaf getting messages over HTTP (Raw) using CAA-WS

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf Cloverleaf getting messages over HTTP (Raw) using CAA-WS

  • Creator
  • #54785
    Rehman Masood

      Hello everyone, Has anyone been able to get messages from a 3rd party application into Cloverleaf over HTTP (Raw) using CAA-WS? I am trying to setup an interface from a 3rd party application that will be sending messages over HTTP and do have CAA-WS licensed/installed but can’t seem to get the message. I can see in the process log that the client tries to connect but the message is empty. Thought I did ask if anyone has ever set this one up or not. Thanks

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    • Author
      • #82985
        Jerry Tilsley


          We do have this up and running and I would be glad to talk with you about this if you still need help.  Let me know and I’ll forward you my contact information!



        • #82986
          Rehman Masood

            Thank you! Just sending you an email now.

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