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I was wondering if anyone is using SNA (LU6.2) with Cloverleaf 6.0?
We ended up running Cloverleaf 6.0 under AIX 6.1 with SNA interfaces with SMS.
I don’t recall off the top of my head which version of SNA we are running without refreshing my memory which I’m not where I can do that right now.
I would choose to go with AIX 7 and even asked our admins to lay it down but they were too busy to do it anytime soon.
We couldn’t wait so we ended up being married to AIX 6.1 for Cloverleaf 6.0.
Russ Ross
Here is the complete list of our details
Cloverleaf 6.0
AIX 6.1 TL8 SP3
SNA 6.4
I ran this command to determine the version of SNA we are currently running
lslpp -l | grep sna
[code]lslpp -l | grep sna
Russ Ross
Thanks Russ. This is very helpful!
By the way we have been running live with what I described since around first of December 2013 so for about close to 4 months at this time.
We have been running TEST Cloverleaf 6.0 on AIX 6.1 TL9 SP1 for a couple of months with same SNA version.
I will be upgrading the OS level in PROD this weekend to match TEST.
Russ Ross
we are running cloverleaf 6.0.2 should we be running SNA 6.4 instead of the version verified byt the same command as the user in this posting. We are having issues with the connection when one side or the other goes down then starts back up. We are also on Mainframe Invision 27.5 of SMS.
[hci@aixhaserv]:/home/hci> lslpp -l | grep sna
bos.net.snapp COMMITTED System Networking Analysis and
sna.dlcmpc COMMITTED MPC Data Link Control
sna.gsk_jre COMMITTED Custom JRE for gskit
sna.lu0 COMMITTED Logical Unit 0 (LU0)
sna.msg.en_US.rte COMMITTED SNA Base Messages – U.S.
sna.msg.en_US.snapi COMMITTED SNAPI TP Development Tool –
sna.msg.en_US.wa COMMITTED SNA Web Admin Tool Messages –
sna.msg.en_US.xsna COMMITTED SNA X Tool Messages – U.S.
sna.rte COMMITTED Communications Server Base
sna.rte64 COMMITTED 64-bit support for
sna.snapi COMMITTED Communications Server SNAPI TP
sna.wa COMMITTED Web-based Administration for
sna.xsna COMMITTED X-Windows Management Tool for
bos.net.snapp COMMITTED System Networking Analysis and
sna.dlcmpc COMMITTED MPC Data Link Control
sna.lu0 COMMITTED Logical Unit 0 (LU0)
sna.msg.en_US.rte COMMITTED SNA Base Messages – U.S.
sna.msg.en_US.snapi COMMITTED SNAPI TP Development Tool –
sna.msg.en_US.wa COMMITTED SNA Web Admin Tool Messages –
sna.msg.en_US.xsna COMMITTED SNA X Tool Messages – U.S.
sna.rte COMMITTED Communications Server Base
sna.rte64 COMMITTED 64-bit support for
sna.snapi COMMITTED Communications Server SNAPI TP
sna.wa COMMITTED Web-based Administration for
sna.xsna COMMITTED X-Windows Management Tool for
sna.docs.Ja_JP.data COMMITTED SNA PDF documentation –
sna.docs.de_DE.data COMMITTED SNA PDF documentation – German
sna.docs.en_US.data COMMITTED SNA PDF documentation – U.S.
sna.docs.es_ES.data COMMITTED SNA PDF documentation –
sna.docs.fr_FR.data COMMITTED SNA PDF documentation – French
sna.docs.ko_KR.data COMMITTED SNA PDF documentation – Korean
sna.docs.pt_BR.data COMMITTED SNA PDF documentation –
sna.docs.zh_CN.data COMMITTED SNA PDF documentation –
sna.docs.zh_TW.data COMMITTED SNA PDF documentation –
sna.ecl.data COMMITTED Host Access Class Library
sna.man.en_US.rte.data COMMITTED SNA Server Manual Pages – U.S.
sna.man.en_US.xsna.data COMMITTED SNA Server X Tool Manual Pages
With all versions of SNA spanning at least 17 years the connections have acted undesirably consistant for us.
When stopping the sender on the mainframe the connection on cloverleaf hangs in UP state, to reconnect to mainframe requires the cloverleaf listener be recycled sometimes more than once, then once the listener is in an opening state then start the SNA/TIF sender on the mainframe.
When cycling the interface on the cloverleaf side without shutting down the mainframe side first, sometimes will loose one message, and if the cloverleaf side is restarted it will eventually reconnect with mainframe and resume message flow but does not reconnect right away.
I treat the SNA/TIF interfaces from the mainframe to cloverleaf as not persistant and when possible on shutdown will stop the sender on the mainframe first to prevent one message from being sometimes lost.
Then when I start them up I must start the cloverleaf listener first and make sure it is in opening state before starting the SNA/TIF sender then it will reconnect right away.
Unfortuantely, this means our SNA/TIF interface require more than thier fair share of manual on-call support.
I will be glad when they are gone and replaced, which could happen if our EPIC project we just started succeeds
Russ Ross
My team member (Jim Kosloskey) shared this with me:
From: Kosloskey,Jim
Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2014 11:19 AM
To: Ross,Russ
Subject: clovertech post SNA
I saw your Clovertech post re SNA.
It is not SNA that causes the behavior we experience with Invision. It is primarily due to the way SMS/Siemens had the Invision Communication Handler written.
Properly written SNA programs do not behave that way.
Jim Kosloskey
UT M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
Enterprise Development and Integration
Jim’s point is well taken because looking at SNA as the cause of the undesirable behavior very well might be fruitless if in fact it is the Invision Communication Handler that is the culprit.
Russ Ross
That explains a lot. We upgraded CICS last fall, and a little after that we upgraded z/os, and ever since, the SNA/TIF connections have been inconsistent in reconnecting. So it looks like the poorly-written communications handler is failing farther behind in compatability with CICS and SNA.
Our CICS regions cycle at 1am. We have three different regions, and each has some TIF and RTIF connections (using SNA). I’ve split up our Cloverleaf processes to match the CICS regions. At 1am I begin to parse the process logs, looking for the ‘communication lost’ messages, indicating SNA has gone away. At that point, the Cloverleaf SNA threads are recycled, and wait for the region to come back up and SNA to reconnect. This works automatically about 75% of the time. The other 25% requires Operations to manually disconnect and acquire the SNA connection using CICS CEMT i Conn commands.
Do you think it would help if the restarting of the Cloverleaf processes were to run twice instead of once? Or to continually restart & wait until a certain status is seen on the Cloverleaf SNA thread? The recycle cron script does not examine the status of the Cloverleaf thread after the restart command is issued; it just waits for the hci command to complete successfully.
Peter Heggie
I have regular SMS/Care maintenance windows and I think for at least the RTIF interfaces before downtime starts and then restart them when over via cron.
Just like you our SNA reconnects after downtime don’t always work, so I have a cloverleaf alert check the TIF/RTIF interfaces on cloverleaf later on after the down time.
I think my RTIF will actually be in and ERROR state if memory serves and since TIF interface constantly changes states (open,up,down) I check for nothing received in a couple of hours during the night and weekends and whithin 5 minutes during the weekdays.
Of course your alerts would need to be tailored for you circumstance but you get the idea of using an alert to help get more sleep and only deal with the 25% of the time you need to be awake.
In the early days I also tried to have the computer operators set things right.
I eventually gave up on taking that approach but would go that way first to see if your computer operations can handle the task.
Unfortuantely, we had too many issues going that way here but I know other places have been able to get computer operations to help instead of making it worse.
This way the ones already awake fix the problem and those sleeping can get more rest.
Russ Ross
Hi Everyone,
We ended up going with AIX 7.1; SNA v6.4. We have been running this since April with no major issues. We did have to change the thread configs to use “binary” encoding instead of “ASCII”, however.
We tried AIX 7.1 and SNA 7.0 and it DID NOT work with Cloverleaf 6.0 because the APIs have been changed in SNA 7.0.