We have the exact scenario that you describe for an upgrade path here.
If you are going to run only ONE root then that helps enormously.
(see the AIX shared memory warnings – that is, if you are on AIX).
Read ALL the Release Notes for Every patch level.
Some BIG items:
(1) HL7 V2 variants have been fixed for those groups which should be defined as repeating groups to make them unique (like an A17 with two PID/PV1 groups at the same level). You must make a decision to convert your existing variants (and now retest ALL of them) OR bypass conversion.
(2) 5.8.5 really complains now (and data loss is possible) if your HL7 V2 variants and Xlate paths do not match or you run into (at least so far) those ROL groups that are out of whack.
(3) Fileset/local protocols behave differently – less efficient: we found that there was a 35% increase in latency for message processing. Rumor has it that the file is opened/read/closed for each message rather than opening/reading and closing at shutdown. Unconfirmed but would fit the 35% lag time in processing.
(4) Various GUI misbehaves – but (!) we like the copy/paste between Xlates and NetConfigs!!
(5) New keys added to Table objects for encoding values – not portable between 5.7 and 5.8.
(6) SMAT is changed to include message metadata in the “.msg” files now.
My guess is that this supports the new Global Monitor 5.5 ability to index and display SMAT messages. Any custom logic that extracts messages will have to be reworked.
And.. other items that we found significant to us but these appear to be universal.
Good luck!