Two issues to report.
First –
In CL 5.6 when a field contained an erroneous subcomponent separator (typically the dreaded &) a reference to the component without subcomponent notation would result in the first piece of data being parsed. For example say the first component of a field has the vale ‘A&B’. When referencing the first component only ‘A’ would be parsed.
In CL 6.0 the entire data is now available so suddenly where once one got ‘A’ as a result of a component notated COPY in an Xlate now one gets ‘A&B’. That is good that now the entire data is available BUT it does not give the same results for existing integrations unless adaptations are made.
Second –
In Cl 6.0 if a reference is made to a field at a higher level (say at the field or component level) and then later in the Xlate another reference is needed at the subcomponent level, the subcomponent notation does not work.
a COPY of …NK1.#2(0) –> @junk followed by
a COPY of …NK1.#2().[1].[0] –> some destination
Assume the value in the second component of NK1-2 being ‘A&B’.
This hass 2 subcomponents and the second COPY above is trying to get the first subcomponent only but waht will be in ‘some destination’ is ‘A&B’.
To get what is needed – this works:
a COPY of …NK1.#2(0).[0].[0] –> @junk (note the component and subcomponent notation) followed by
a COPY of …NK1.#2().[1].[0] –> some destination
That will result in ‘some destination’ getting the value ‘A’.
This has been reported to Infor.
email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.