I have 5.6 installed and am playing around with this master site feature and on the surface it doesn’t see to be of much value. On 5.4.1 I had NetConfigs stored in the site directories and everything else (Xlates, tcls, etc.) stored in a dummy site. Then I created logicals in the sites that pointed to the dummy site Xlate dir, tcl dir, etc.. That way I could connect to any site and edit the NetConfig and any of the Xlates, tcls in one IDE session.
On 5.6 I stored all the Xlates, tcls, etc in the master site, and the NetConfig in the site directory, but without the logicals I can’t see everything from one IDE session.
I am having difficulty determining the value of the master site the way Quovadx implemented it.
Of course there is a distinct possibility I could be doing something wrong.