CL 19 HL7 Configurator Group Indent

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  • Creator
  • #116849
    Todd Hamilton

    On v19, Has anyone tried to create segment groups using the hl7 configurator in the IDE?  That is to say adjust a variant by grouping segments together (PV1, NTE and PBX,NTE).  I can not get the IDE to properly indent the segment groups I must be doing something wrong.
    (402) 660-2787

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  • Author
    • #116850
      Rob Abbott

      Hi Todd, I just tried this and it appears to work as normal – what you want to do is select all the segments you want to group, and then click the “optional” and/or “repeating” checkboxes.

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      Rob Abbott
      Cloverleaf Emeritus

    • #116852
      Todd Hamilton

      Ron, Thanks for the reply.  Try this for me.

      1. In v19 HL7 Configurator,  create a new 2.6 variant.
      2. Modify the ADT_A03
      3. Select the second ARV segment.  The one that is indented and grouped with PV2.
      4. The ARV segment should be marked optional yes and repeats no. Three lines should be highlighted (The two square brackets and the{ARV} A thin yellow line should appear under the {ARV}.
      5. Now uncheck the optional flag.  The ARV segment should still be highlighted but now the repeat flag is active.  (As expected because the ARV was originally marked repeating)
      6. Now here is the interesting thing.  With the {ARV} selected, activate the optional flag.  The line should now be [{ARV}].  No more indent. That’s my problem.  I need that segment to be indented (grouped with the PV2)

      What am I doing wrong?
      (402) 660-2787

    • #116858
      Jim Kosloskey


      Do you want the ARV to part of a group with the PV2 like this:




      Normally a group has at least one required segment and it is usually the first segment of the group.


      email: 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

    • #116862
      Todd Hamilton

      Jim,  You are right my previous description was not clear.  I want the following:
      [{ SFT } ]
      [ UAC ]
      [ PD1 ]
      [{ ARV } ]
      [{ ROL } ]
      [{ NK1 } ]
      [ PV2 ]
      { ARV }
      { ROL }
      [{ DB1 } ]
      [{ AL1 } ]
      [{ DG1 } ]
      [ DRG ]
      [ {
      [{ ROL } ]
      } ]

      Notice the first ARV (Following the PD1) is not indented and the second one (following the PD2) is indented.

      Here are the steps to follow in order to accomplish the desired indent using the IDE.

      1. highlight the segment (ARV) you want indented.
      2. uncheck the optional flag and the repeats flag. there should be no square or curly brackets around the segment
      3. with ARV still selected, add a segment after the selected segment.  it does not matter what segment you add, it will be deleted eventually (ABS for example).
      4. select both segments (ARV and ABS)
      5. with both segments selected, check the optional flag. both segments should now be indented
      6. select the ARV segment and check the repeats flag. the ARV segment should now have curly brackets
      7. select the ABS segment and cut (delete) the segment
      8. the ARV should now be indented as desired

      Another option is to simply edit the file using vi.
      (402) 660-2787

    • #116866
      Jim Kosloskey

      I am not sure why you want to see the indentation for a single segment. That makes no difference to the engine itself or to the address pathing used to reference the data in the segment.

      Whether it looks like this:


      or this:




      it means the same thing – the ARV segment is optional and repeating.

      No need to waste time on this I think.

      email: 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

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