My check ack proc is erroring when the message is resent. The time out to receive a reply is set to 10secs. When I do not receive the ACK, I resend the message and below is the error. I have the thread with the radio button resend OB message.
[pd :pdtd:WARN/0:rxj_adtord_out:01/25/2012 00:05:36] Timed out while awaiting replies on thread. Resending reserved OB Message
[pd :pdtd:WARN/0:rxj_adtord_out:01/25/2012 00:05:46] Timed out while awaiting replies on thread. Resending reserved OB Message
[pd :pdtd:WARN/0:rxj_adtord_out:01/25/2012 00:05:56] Timed out while awaiting replies on thread. Resending reserved OB Message
[pd :pdtd:WARN/0:rxj_adtord_out:01/25/2012 00:06:06] Timed out while awaiting replies on thread. Resending reserved OB Message
[pd :pdtd:WARN/0:rxj_adtord_out:01/25/2012 00:06:16] Timed out while awaiting replies on thread. Resending reserved OB Message
[pd :pdtd:WARN/0:rxj_adtord_out:01/25/2012 00:06:26] Timed out while awaiting replies on thread. Resending reserved OB Message
[pd :pdtd:WARN/0:rxj_adtord_out:01/25/2012 00:06:36] Timed out while awaiting replies on thread. Resending reserved OB Message
[pd :pdtd:WARN/0:rxj_adtord_out:01/25/2012 00:06:46] Timed out while awaiting replies on thread. Resending reserved OB Message
rxj_adtord_out/check_ack_new : Received AE response
Message to Error Database
Reply is:
Message is:
PV1|0001|I|XXX^4040^P|X|||15569^XXXXXXX|||INT||||EO||N| |I|000003406746|R^20120115||||||||||||||||||||||||201201151423
rxj_adtord_out/check_ack_new : Received AE response
Message to Error Database
Reply is:
Message is:
[sms :sms :ERR /0:rxj_adtord_out:01/25/2012 00:06:48] Tcl error:
msgId = message0
proc = ‘check_ack_new’
args = ”
result = ‘bad msgId “”‘
errorInfo: ‘
bad msgId “”
while executing
“msgget $my_mh”
(“AE” arm line 13)
invoked from within
“switch -exact — $acktype {
AA – CA {
# Good ACK – Clean up
set send_cnt 0 ;# Init counter
return “{KILLREPLY $mh} {KILL $my_m…”
(“run” arm line 29)
invoked from within
“switch -exact — $mode {
start {
set ob_save “” ;# Clear save buffer
set send_cnt 0 ;# Init resend counter
return “”
run {
(procedure “check_ack_new” line 11)
invoked from within
“check_ack_new {MSGID message0} {CONTEXT sms_ib_reply} {ARGS {}} {MODE run} {VERSION 3.0}”‘