Changing ST code to TX for specific criteria in OBX

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf Changing ST code to TX for specific criteria in OBX

  • Creator
  • #51628
    Chris Wethey

      Looking to change ST code for OBX records to a TX code on the outbound feed so that the description is fully read by the 3rd party vendor – they are truncating the information down since it is a ST value but want to change to TX since it is a comment line and could be over 256 characters in length.

      Still a greenhorn in regards to TCL and XLATE but have part of the process but still not getting a handle on what else i am missing or if i am writing this correctly.

      Please Wait ……

      Command Issued: hcixlttest -n -d 1 -f eof -F nl lab_to_polaris.xlt /quovadx/qdx5.5/integrator/lmctest/exec/processes/p_star_in8/Polaris.txt /quovadx/qdx5.5/integrator/lmctest/exec/processes/p_star_in8/Polarisout.txt

      Command output:

      This is the results i get from the testing tool.

      [0:TEST] Statement ‘{OP ITERATE} {BASIS {}} {VAR ST} {TYPE field} {BODY {{ { OP IF }

                { ERR 0 }

                { COND {1(0).1(0).1(0).OBX.#3.[1]  eq Order Comment|| 1(0).1(0).1(0).OBX.#3.[1]  eq Lab Comment } }

                { THENBODY {

                    { { OP COPY }

                        { ERR 0 }

                        { IN =TX }

                        { OUT {{1(0).1(0).1(0).OBX.#2.[0]}} }



                { ELSEBODY {


            }}}’ requires a BASIS

      [0:TEST] Iterate statements must have a type, basis and variable.

      [0:TEST] Unable to compile XLT ‘lab_to_polaris.xlt’.

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    • Author
      • #71028
        Mason Miller

          what do you have for your basis and Variable in your iteration?

        • #71029
          Jim Kosloskey


            You have not set a BAsis in the ITERATE (it needs one in brder to know where the repetition occurs). Most liley this is a group repeition (standard results message format).

            Also the Counter you have set looks like ‘ST”. That won’t work. The valid construct is : %ln or %sn or %gn or %fn where: l = List, s = Segment, g = Group, and f= Field;  n = some number.

            You have this set as a field type Iteration in the ITERATE.

            Once you have that all set, then you must use the counter (the %xn value above) in the address path of both inbound and lilely outbound fields you wish to reference in Actions within the ITERATE.

            email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

          • #71030
            Chris Wethey

              What we are looking for is to check the OBX record and search the field to determine is a specific ST Value Type has a comment of “Lab Comment” or “Order Comment” and then change the ST Value Type to TX – so i am not sure how to do that since i am new at writing in XLT process as of yet.

            • #71031
              Chris Wethey

                Was able to figure out the process with a lot of help from Jim,  Still working the bugs out  with the smat and testing tools.

                Thanks for your comments and help

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