can’t display the whole string in Xlate if there is a space

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf can’t display the whole string in Xlate if there is a space

  • Creator
  • #54327
    Shu Chen

      Hi clovertech,

      I am trying copy PV2:3.1 field to PV1:3.1 field. data type is patient location.

      if there is space in PV2:3 field value,  I only could display the first part. Any suggestions will be great!!!

      for example:

      PV2:3.1 is “test engine”  –> PV1:3 will be displayed ad “test”

      if there is no speace, everything looks a great.

      thank you.

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    • Author
      • #81021
        Jim Kosloskey

          Is this via Xlate COPY Action?

          Is there any Tcl involved?

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #81022
          Shu Chen

            yes. only use copy in xlate

            no tcl has been used.

          • #81023
            Jim Kosloskey

              Well that should not happen normally.

              Can you reduce your Xlate down to the bare minimum (just the COPY in question if possible), run the tester and show us the Xlate (the properties of the COPY Action in question shown), the source values (from the HL/7 Tester), and the result of the test.

              Maybe we can see something.

              Let us know the release of Cloverleaf as well.

              email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

            • #81024
              Shu Chen

                HI JIM

                thanks for your quick reply,

                I am using cloverleaf v6

                my logic is

                if PV1:3 is “^^^J” , copy PV2:3.2 to PV1:3.1

              • #81025
                Mark Thompson

                  You are not the first to find that xlateOutVals must be treated as a list.  Too bad they didn’t name the variable xlateOutValList.

                  Try adding a

                • wrapper around your xlateOutVals variable.  For example, change:

                  set xlateOutVals $pv2


                  set xlateOutVals

                • - Mark Thompson

            • #81026
              Shu Chen

                works great!!!!!

                thank you so much mark!!!!

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