can OS be accessed from an xlate

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf can OS be accessed from an xlate

  • Creator
  • #120206

      Hello – curious if there is a way to access the OS from a cloverleaf xlate.  Purpose is to help determine if the server is prod or dev for double checking the MSH.11 field.  Thanks in advance.

      • This topic was modified 2 years ago by JD.
      • This topic was modified 2 years ago by JD.
    Viewing 8 reply threads
    • Author
      • #120209
        Peter Heggie

          I think so, using “exec” function.

          Something that would probably use less system resources is to make use of the newer versions’ global variables which should be accessible from an xlate proc.

          Peter Heggie

        • #120210
          James Nelson

            Depending on what you’re looking for, it may be available in the built-in env() array.

            For example:

            global env
            puts $env(HOSTNAME)

          • #120217
            David Barr

              set xlateOutVals [info hostname]

            • #120221
              Robert Kersemakers

                My advice would be to set a global variable to indicate whether the system is prod or dev. We use a lookup table ‘system_vars’ for this, same result.

                Checking the hostname may work now, but when the servers change (after a migration) you will have a problem.

                Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

              • #120224
                Jeff Dawson

                  Was going to add we do something similar that Robert mentioned where we have a master site and within there use a global variable to delclare Test or Prod, see attached screen shot.

                  If you need to call this from an xlate

                  Source side: =$$GLOBAL_MSH_11      Output side: 0(0).MSH(0).#11(0).[0]

                  If you need to call this from a tcl proc

                  set envrionment TEST
                  set server [gvgetvar GLOBAL_MSH_11]
                  if {$server == “P”} {
                  set envrionment PROD

                  As mentioned above we’ve also used exec and info hostname via tcl

                  set srvr [string toupper [string range [exec hostname] 6 9]]

                  set hostName [info hostname]

                  Since we run AIX we have also used hostname for KSH






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                • #120256

                    Hello – thank you for all the details / information!  Great to know about the available options.  The global may be the way to go for us.  Thanks again.

                  • #120257
                    Charlie Bursell

                      I am a bit confused as to why and make this hard?  The global variable, already provided, HciSite will suffice.  If $::HciSite eq “sitename”.  That is unless you have a lot of test sites.

                    • #120258
                      Robert Kersemakers

                        Hi Charlie,

                        We have a separate Tst and Prd Cloverleaf cluster where Tst and Prd have the same sites.  (Tst has some extra sites, like ‘dev’). So based on the site name you can’t determine whether it’s Tst or Prd.

                        Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

                      • #120262
                        Charlie Bursell

                          I understand Robert but why not give sites meaningful names that would include test in the name?

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