Can Cloverleaf RECEIVE via HTTP POST?

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf Can Cloverleaf RECEIVE via HTTP POST?

  • Creator
  • #53931
    Kenadi Moore

      We are working on a new interface from EPIC that would send Rich Text Reports to Cloverleaf.  They want us to accept them via HTTP Post.  It looks to me like Cloverleaf can SEND messages this way using the HTTP Cllient protocol and selecting the method of POST.  However, I’m not sure how Cloverleaf could receive like this.

      Does anyone know if this is possible?  Epic seems to think there are other clients doing this.



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    • Author
      • #79576
        Elisha Gould

          We are currently using the ihb feature for this, which comes under the cl-aom-ihb licence. Have a look in the “Intelligent Health Broker” section of the forum for documentation.

          There is also the CAA-WS licence, which we are looking at moving to. The CAA-WS looks like a much better package to use, although I have not yet had a chance to fully evaluate what we would need to do to move to it.

        • #79577

          In 5.8.5 and in CIS 6.0 you would use the CAA-WS module which allows Cloverleaf to be an web services listener. It is recommended to use CIS 6.0 for this as the front-end is much improved.

          -- Max Drown (Infor)

        • #79578

          Epic should be able to send to Cloverleaf via other methods, too, right? Maybe they could embed the reports into an HL7 message and send it via tcp/ip?

          -- Max Drown (Infor)

        • #79579
          James Cobane


            We are receiving Outbound documentation (from Epic) via TCP/IP.  We receive MDM^T02 transactions, both with Rich-text format and with embedded PDFs.  There is configuration that has to happen within Epic to communicate with the EPS server and some other pieces, but Epic can send this data via TCP/IP.  Not sure if this is what you are actually attempting to do though as you indicate that you want to receive ‘reports’ from Epic, not necessarily clinical documentation.  I didn’t work directly on this particular interface, so I can’t provide a lot of detail on the specifics.

            Jim Cobane

            Henry Ford Health

          • #79580
            Kenadi Moore

              Thanks Jim.  The HTTP post method is something new for Epic 2014 and evidently providers better message handling (searching, resending, etc) ability on their side than the old method that just used TCP/IP.

              Can someone tell me if the CAA-WS configurator is something that we should already have (we are on Cloverleaf 6.0) or if we have to purchase somehting new?  The userguide says to launch from integrator/CAA/ws/

              tools/WSConfigurator.jar but I do not see a path for CAA under integrator.


            • #79581
              David Barr

                You could always write a CGI script that’s can receive files and write them in a local folder, then use a fileset-ftp interface to forward the files somewhere else. You probably lose some of the monitoring capabilities and simple start/stop mechanism that you would have with something that’s built into Cloverleaf, but it should be pretty simple to do.

              • #79582

                You need at least 5.8.5 I think. And you’ll need a license.

                -- Max Drown (Infor)

              • #79583
                Richard Hart

                  Our experience is that HL7 is simpler and more efficient that SOAP/XML.

                  We have used the DustMote web server for displaying text documents and this can probably be modified to suit.

                  It’s written in TCL

                • #79584
                  bill bearden

                    For Tcl-based httpd servers, there are also tclhttpd3.5.1 and dandelion. I have played with tclhttpd just a little and it seems like a reasonable way to build a web interface to the Tcl-based command line commands and Tcl-based libraries.

                    But, it would take some effort to build a web services back end in Tcl for it. I don’t think that comes with tclhttpd.

                  • #79585
                    Jim Kosloskey


                      Ask EPIC for references to other EPIC clients using Cloverleaf in this manner then check with them to see how they are doing it.

                      Is EPIC indicating WSDL/SOAP or RESTful?

                      email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

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