Can Cloverleaf query Active Directory for additional data?

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf Can Cloverleaf query Active Directory for additional data?

  • Creator
  • #121560
    Joseph Bernard


      Does anyone know if Cloverleaf can query Active directory to pull in additional information?  If so, how would I do that.  We’re trying to create a Cloverleaf table based on Active Directory data that we can’t get through the interface.



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    • Author
      • #121561
        Jim Kosloskey

          This link might be a start:

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #121563
          Peter Heggie


            Peter Heggie

          • #121564
            David Barr

              You can use the ldapsearch command on Red Hat. You may need to install the openldap-clients package. You would have to call the command through a script (TPS or XLTP).

            • #121565
              Jim Vilbrandt

                We have a system that exports personnel events to a CSV file. This file is then processed through a Windows Task and PowerShell. Each the personnel data in CSV is then augmented with information from Active Directory before it is written to a second CSV. This second CSV is then sent to various systems by Cloverleaf in the format they are expecting. This would be an easy work-around if you can’t get the TCL/AD connection to work.

              • #121585
                Rob Lindsey

                  We have developed some web pages that use LDAP for checking to see if someone belongs to a group and we use TCL.
                  <pre>package require ldap
                  # Connect, bind, add a new object, modify it in various ways
                  set handle [ldap::connect <ldap server> <ldap port number>]
                  set x [ldap::search $handle “<breakdown>” “(userPrincipalName=$username)” {memberOf} ]
                  ldap::unbind $handle
                  ldap::disconnect $handle</pre>
                  The above code is very abbreviated but might give you some ideas.

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