I was trying to determine if I could use the database outbound protocol to call a Sybase ASE stored procedure. I was able to register the sybase driver and pull back the Schema and also import a database configuration. I have a couple of challenges at this time one of which is also not truly understanding how to send a message that fits the stored procedure call parameters and how to handle data returned from the stored procedure call (not out parameters). I am also getting an error message trying to call the stored procedure.
The error message is:
Stored procedure ‘XXXX’ may be run only in unchained transaction mode. The ‘SET CHAINED OFF’ command will cause the current session to use unchained transaction mode.
It looks like the official sybase documentation has information on how to turn off this option during the external call but I am uncertain of where to set that option at this time. Where would non-connection string options be input into the database configuration?
Additionally, without having a database table with parameters that actually fit the stored procedure call, I was hoping that I could create a VRL with the parameter name definition as the VRL layout and then map from an inbound HL7 V2 message to a VRL record layout to send parameters to the stored procedure. Is this possible?
Finally, I do not understand why the schema configurator asks for me to select a DB table when using this architecture as the operation executes against a stored procedure and not a sybase table. Is there a short answer that could clear up this point of confusion?