I have the following Tcl code setup as a pre-xlate and it works fine.
proc xltStripZeroes {} {
upvar xlateId xlateId
xlateInList xlateInList
xlateInTypes xlateInTypes
xlateInVals xlateInVals
xlateOutList xlateOutList
xlateOutTypes xlateOutTypes
xlateOutVals xlateOutVals
set newval [string trimleft $xlateInVals 0]
echo (newval = $newval)
set xlateOutVals $newval
I want to try this as a CALL but simply changing the COPY to a CALL doesn’t work, nor does moving the Tcl to the Tcl section in the CALL command.
Can somebody explain what changes if any are needed or how to setup CALL to use this type of code?