Call a shell script (.sh) from a tps proc

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf Call a shell script (.sh) from a tps proc

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  • #120694

      Looking to call a shell script from a tps proc.  It looks to be hanging in the testing tool.  I have tried the following when calling the script.

      exec /hci/cis19.1/integrator/scripts/tps_alerts/ $thdName $site

      exec {/hci/cis19.1/integrator/scripts/tps_alerts/ $thdName $site}

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    • Author
      • #120695

        Always use the tcl catch command when calling exec.

        -- Max Drown (Infor)

      • #120696
        Charlie Bursell

          First, I would change path to something like:
          $::HciSiteDir/scripts/tps_alerts/…..   to make it available to furfure versions of Cloverleaf.  If You had the script in the scripts directory you would not need the path at all, just the script name since the scripts directory is in your path environment.

          Then, run the script in the background  by appending an & at the end.  The script is  hanging waiting for action

          Then, as Max said, it is always safer to use a catch just in case.


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