breaking locks

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf breaking locks

  • Creator
  • #51158
    Jeff Manley

      We are running windows cloverleaf.

      What are the ramifications if one is to break a lock when a different user is in the system.

      For example I am connected via the client.  Another user connects via the client and breaks my lock.  What happens?  Bad stuff?

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    • Author
      • #68984
        Jim Kosloskey


          Not necessarily bad.

          It is possible you both could work on the same object and step on each other.

          First off, it is a good idea ot close out of each Tab before stopping the GUI – and in the spirit of wearing suspenders and a belt I usually try to close using the File Menu option rather than the window X control. A lot of lock issues can happen if the above is not done.

          It is also a good idea to check with the others on your team if you are all working in the same site (we have multiple sites here so the opportunity to collide is minimized) before starting work or if you get the lock warnings.

          In many cases you just want to look at things and you can open the ojects as read only.

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

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