Basic Upgrade Questions (upgrading from v6.1)

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf Basic Upgrade Questions (upgrading from v6.1)


  • Creator
  • #112712
    Matthew Brophy

      got a few overview questions on our plans to upgrade the DMZ Cloverleaf server (v6.1.1 -> v6.2 -> v6.2.4).

      If new v6.2 license is found in \integrator\cis6.2\vers directory (and IDE is operational) is ‘hcilicset’ needed?  If so, is each feature needed to have ‘hcilicset’ executed against it? I assume ‘hcilicset’ is just validating what’s already in the license.dat file and alerting you if the package provisioned in the license will encounter errors (prior to invoking it in production).

      After installation, hcirootcopy, hcixltconvert, hcitpsconvert each site.  While a tedious process, I assume this allows us to run multiple versions simultaneously. If so, this should provide a method for live cutover with very limited downtime. Stopping all sites on v6.1 and initiating v.6.2.4 processes for all I/O traffic on this server.

      Since the sites are backed up to the new version directory during the installation, shouldn’t we uninstall the previous version of Cloverleaf after upgrading?

      Jumping to v.19.1 would be a big jump for us from v6.1.1 and we believe v6.2.4 would provide the web services functionality we are seeking.  If we did upgrade through v19, we are not using SMAT db in v6.1.1 on this server, so is hcidbconvert required during upgrade from v.6.2.4?

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    • Author
      • #112824
        Rob Abbott

          Hi, here’s what I can tell you:

          1. If you have a valid license file in $HCIROOT/vers then hcilicset is not needed.  If you want to validate the license file use “hcilicstatus” or “hcilictest”
          2. You should only need to run hcirootcopy.  The rootcopy tool will run tpsconvert/xltconvert/etc as needed
          3. You can uninstall the previous version at your leisure.  You may want to wait on the uninstall until you are comfortable things are stable.
          4. If you are not using SMAT DB you don’t need to run hcidbconvert.  I would suggest you take a look at SMAT DB, there’s a lot of good functionality there.  We will continue to support SMAT file, but no new functionality is being added to the file SMAT.

          I hope this helps!

          Rob Abbott
          Cloverleaf Emeritus

        • #113129
          Jay Clements

            When I upgraded and migrated about 6 months ago I posed the HCILICSET question to support. Here is what they responded with:

            Simply dropping the emailed license.dat file in to the vers folder is now the preferred method of applying a license.

            I have this escalated to development. They have confirmed this is a known issue and have an AR# 17679 created for tracking. Regarding misleading instructions in documentation that is going to be corrected.

            AR 21603 Remove hcilicset from install guide.

            Even though this question is answered above, the bug information might be useful. And since it says use HCILICSET in the docs – those are officially wrong docs.

            • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Jay Clements.
          • #113241
            Matthew Brophy

              thank you for the replies.

              Two gotchas we found were:


              ROOTCOPY : for this server, several procs were stored in the root\usercmds directory and not on the Master site or site tclprocs directory.  Consequently, those procs did not get converted during the process. [Lesson learned for future builds]


              CSC PROCS: we use v.6.0 for CSC that is paired with CIS6.1.  Upgrading to CIS6.2 created fatal version errors for threads that used the CSC sample site (encryption) procs.  We’re still trying to determine the workaround for this.

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