I encode the message to base64 using this logic:
# get message id
keylget args MSGID mh
set msg “”
# get message data
set msg [msgget $mh]
if {$debug > 3} {echo “$module – msg: $msg”}
# get MRN and document CreationDate from msg metadata
set userdata [msgmetaget $mh USERDATA]
if {$debug > 2} {echo “$module – userdata: $userdata”}
set ekgmrn [keylget userdata EKGMRN ]
if {$debug > 1} {echo “$module – ekgmrn: $ekgmrn”}
set ekgdate [keylget userdata EKGDATE ]
if {$debug > 1} {echo “$module – ekgdate: $ekgdate”}
# prepare for base64 encoding
package require base64
set code [catch {base64::encode “$msg”} encoded_data]
if {$debug > 1} {echo “$module – base64 encode code: $code”}
if {$code} {
echo “$module error code $code for base64 encoding PDF document”
lappend dispList “ERROR $mh”
msgmetaset $mh USERDATA “base64 decoding error – MUSE EKG PDF mrn: $ekgmrn date: $ekgdate”
return $dispList
if {$debug > 2} {echo “$module – encoded_data: $encoded_data”}
The last debug statement above showing the encoded data writes the base64 formatted data to the process log. That log entry shows line feeds. And it is not the formatting of the printing of the process log, where each line can only display so much data, no – there are actual line feeds. All downstream threads show the same line feeds in the same position. The external vendor getting the output message is getting errors from their decoding utility, complaining about the unexpected data which happens to line up exactly with the start of the second ‘line’.
As you can see from the code, I’m not doing anything special with the base64 encoding statement. Why would it add line feeds? How can I get around this error? Should I just use a string map statement to remove the line feeds?
Peter Heggie