
  • Creator
  • #51188
    Gary Atkinson

      Does anyone have a tcl script that uses base64 to encode RTF data that they would be willing to share?

      thx, Gary

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    • Author
      • #69102
        Charlie Bursell

          You don’t need a Tcl scripts.  The command are already there

          encode will encode in Base-64

          decode will decode Base-64

        • #69103
          Gary Atkinson

            Wow something simple for once!  ðŸ˜†

          • #69104
            Corry Macfarlane

              To expand this question a little bit.  

              How big can the encoded object be?  OBX-5 is generally limited to 65K.  Can Cloverleaf handle larger that 65K or is there a limit (other than memory)?

              Does this also mean that Cloverleaf supports ED (encapsulated data type) as a valid data type for an OBX segment?



            • #69105
              Charlie Bursell

                ODX.5 is limited to whatever the field length is set to in the fields file.  Change it to -1 to make it unlimited.  Then you are limited by the amount of memory you have

              • #69106
                Gary Atkinson

                  In 5.5 the hl7 configurator will not let me put in -1.  I added in a line in the fields file for {LEN -1}, but when open the variant in the hl7 configurator it has the size of 0.  What am I missing?? 😳

                • #69107
                  Jim Kosloskey


                    The ED Data Type (OBX-2) is supported. The length of OBX-5 must be changed as Charlie suggests.


                    Take a look at the OBX segment in the HL/7 configurator for the variant you modified. You should see the length there of -1. In the actual fields tab for that field you will see zero.

                    However, your Xlate should be OK.

                    email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

                  • #69108
                    Charlie Bursell

                      Just edit the fields file and change it

                    • #69109
                      Gary Atkinson

                        I did that, but still shows as 0.  I have submitted a bug report.

                      • #69110
                        Tom Rioux


                          I’m on 5.6 and I was able to successfully edit the file to a -1.   When I opened the HL7 variant in the GUI, and went to the fields tab for the OBX.5, you are correct, it shows a “0”.  But if you click on the “segments” tab and look down at the OBX.5 field in the window pane to the right, you will see it shows a field length of -1.

                          Hope this helps…Tom

                        • #69111
                          Gary Atkinson

                            That can lead to confusion, saying one thing one place and another one place.

                          • #69112
                            Scott Folley

                              In case you are monitoring only this thread for updates, you should be aware that two new topics were created that address both of these issues.

                              unlimited field width <a href="; class=”bbcode_url”>

                              base64 encode/decode <a href="; class=”bbcode_url”>

                              Both of these are very important.  The base64 one by Charlie has major performance implications and the discussion of unlimited field width identifies the workaround and the fact that it has already been identified as a bug.

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