› Clovertech Forums › Read Only Archives › Cloverleaf › Cloverleaf › Backup of a running cloverleaf site
I want to regulary backup a specific site within the cloverleaf instance. Just to copy away the files from C:cloverleafcis6.1integrator[my site] is not an option as when Cloverleaf is running some files are locked. Furthermore, I think there might be an inbuilt option in Cloverleaf to automate this task?
Unfortunately, I have not found anything helpful in the documentation.
How can I backup a site from a running cloverleaf instance away? with all configurations?
Your help is much appreciated!!
Are you just wanting to backup the configuration?
hcibox was introduced in 6.x that will grab the configuration and save a snapshot of the site.
It will save the configuration for the site in $HCIROOT/box and can save a zipped up box file.
ie the following will save the config to $HCIROOT/box
hcibox -s existing_site existing_site
the following will zip up the config
hcibox -e /tmp/backup_box existing_site
Hi Elisha
thank you for your response!
I saw this command initially, but the -s switch you are using does not exist in my version (6.1P).
the most similar switch would be -n, but the disadvantage is, you have to reference the threads you want to backup. I need a general script which can backup any site without knowing the containing threads.
working example when knowing the containing threads to save the config to $HCIROOT/box:
hcibox -n siteXY THREAD1,THREAD2,THREAD3 r siteXY_box
Furthermore, I cannot add additional resources to this box via scripting. Can I?
You can safely skip the locked files when copying. These are most likely the shared memory and runtime files which are not needed in the backup.
-- Max Drown (Infor)
I have found this comment from Max to allow me to ignore the locked files that can’t be copied and still get a useable backup of an entire site.
You can safely skip the locked files when copying. These are most likely the shared memory and runtime files which are not needed in the backup.
I have a couple of more elaborate scripts (tar_site_to_move.ksh & untar_prep_site.ksh) that are warppers around a script that does the actual site copies called tar_tar_dir.ksh seen here:
# Begin Module Header ==============================================================================
# Name:
# tar_tar_dir
# Purpose:
# Copy an entire directory tree with all files and links to another base directory
# using the tar command
# Notes:
# This will not traverse logical links across file systems,
# so everything copied has to reside on the same file system.
# This script is nice because it pipes the output of one tar command to another,
# which requires a little bit of temporary memory.
# Example of normal usage:
# tar_tar_dir ./test_picis /3.5.2P_picis
# History:
# 1999.10.29 Russ Ross
# [code]#!/usr/bin/ksh
# Begin Module Header ==============================================================================
Russ Ross
Here is the script to copy a site to be cloned.
Even though its called tar_site_to_move.ksh it isn’t required to move the site to another box and can also be used to clone the site on the existing box.
I have used it to created cloned versions of an existing site whne making extensive and time consuming modifications to a site so the running site stays intact until I’m done with the new version modifications and can flip the symbolic link for the site between version_1 and version_2 as desired and once ready have site version_2 replace site version_1.
echo “”
echo “”
echo “Is this the site you want to move to another machine?”
echo “(y to continue; anything else to quit)”
read xyz
if [ “$xyz” != “y” ]; then
if [[ ! -d /upgrade ]]; then
echo “FATAL ERROR – need to manually create /upgrade directory”
if [[ ! -d /upgrade/new_box ]]; then
echo “FATAL ERROR – need to manually create /upgrade/new_box directory”
cd /upgrade/new_box
rm -rf /upgrade/new_box/$HCISITE /upgrade/new_box/$HCISITE.tar
mkdir /upgrade/new_box/$HCISITE
tar_tar_dir.ksh $HCISITEDIR /upgrade/new_box/$HCISITE
tar -cvf $HCISITE.tar ./$HCISITE
rm -rf /upgrade/new_box/$HCISITE
Russ Ross
Here is the remaining counterpart script untar_prep_site.ksh that will deposit the site to move in the desired place specified.
I posted to illustrate the preprocessing and removal of files I do before using a cloned site.
Our architecture will different than yours so the script will not likely run as is at your enterprise, but it illustrates the considerations and choices I made for prepping a cloned copy of a site.
These scripts predate the BOX capability so now I use both methods depending on which one gets what I need done best.
# Begin Module Header ==============================================================================
# Name:
# untar_prep_site.ksh
# Purpose:
# Use the tar file from running tar_site_to_move.ksh to create a new site.
# Inputs:
# $1 = name of the original site used to create the tar_site_to_move
# $2 = name of the new site to create
# Notes:
# Here is an example of normal usage of this script
# untar_prep_site.ksh test_sms_genie t_sms_genie
# Using this script will take care of many of the tasks associated with creating a new site at MDACC,
# This script along with tar_site_to_move.ksh is especially usefull for any of the following:
# – create a new site that is a copy of an existing site
# – move a site from one machine to another
# History:
# 2009.01.12 Russ Ross
# – wrote initial version
# by converting the hardcoded version he had used during cloverleaf upgrades for many years.
# 2012.12.10 Russ Ross
# – added logic to clean out site_startup_backups directory
# 2015.02.17 Russ Ross
# – added clean up logic to get rid of
# #MDA_UPDIR/new_box/$site_name/scripts/site_shutdown.ksh
# $MDA_UPDIR/new_box/$site_name/scripts/site_startup.ksh
# End of Module Header =============================================================================
# set the MDA_UPDIR environment variable if not already set
if [[ “`echo $MDA_UPDIR`” = “” ]]; then
export MDA_UPDIR=/upgrade
# make sure this script is run by the hci user
if [ “$me” != “hci” ]; then
echo “”
echo ” $0 must be run as hci”
echo “”
exit 1
# check if old site name was give as argument 1
if [ “$site_name” = “” ]; then
echo “”
echo “***** ERROR – must supply OLD site name *****”
echo “”
echo “Here is one example of normal usage of this scripts:”
echo “”
echo ” untar_prep_site.ksh test_sms_genie t_sms_genie”
echo “”
exit 2
# see if a tar file exists for the old site to be moved
cd $MDA_UPDIR/new_box
if [[ ! -a $site_name.tar ]]; then
echo “”
echo “***** ERROR – no file called ( $site_name.tar ) in directory ( $MDA_UPDIR/new_box ) *****”
echo “”
echo “Here is what is in directory ( `pwd` )”
echo “”
ls -al
echo “”
exit 3
# check if the new site name was given as argument 2
if [ “$new_site” = “” ]; then
echo “”
echo “***** ERROR – must supply NEW site name *****”
echo “”
echo “——————————————–”
echo “Here are some of the possible site prefixes:”
echo “——————————————–”
echo “”
echo ” mda_global”
echo ” p_mock_”
echo ” p_new_”
echo ” p_old_”
echo ” p_real_”
echo ” prod_batch”
echo ‘ prod_batch_###’
echo ” test_upgrade”
echo “”
echo ” mda_global”
echo ” t_”
echo ” test_batch”
echo ‘ test_batch_###’
echo ” test_upgrade”
echo “”
echo “Here is one example of normal usage of this scripts:”
echo “”
echo ” untar_prep_site.ksh test_sms_genie t_sms_genie”
echo “”
exit 4
# check to be sure the new site does not already exist
### if [[ -d $HCIROOT/$new_site ]]; then
if [ “`ls $HCIROOT/$new_site 2>/dev/null`” ]; then
echo “”
echo “***** ERROR – the new site ( $new_site ) already exist”
echo “***** you will need to rename or delete it and rerun this script again”
echo “***** this script is terminating without taking any action”
echo “”
exit 5
# create the new site and update server.ini
### if [[ ! -d $HCIROOT/$new_site ]]; then
if [ ! “`ls $HCIROOT/$new_site 2>/dev/null`” ]; then
echo “”
echo “==============================”
echo “”
echo ” About to do ( hcisiteinit $new_site )”
echo ” respond y to accept”
echo ” any other response will abort this script”
echo “”
read response
if [[ “$response” != “y” ]]; then
echo “”
echo “This script has been terminated without doing any action.”
echo “”
exit 6
echo “”
echo ” creating new site ( $new_site )”
echo “”
hcisiteinit $new_site
if [[ ! -d $HCIROOT/$new_site ]]; then
echo “”
echo “***** ERROR – hcisiteinit did not create directory ( $HCIROOT/$new_site ) *****”
echo “”
exit 7
# replace the site directory with a symbolic link
if [[ ! -d /sites ]]; then
echo “ERROR will need to create /sites file system”
exit 9
if [[ ! -d /sites/$HCIVERSION ]]; then
mkdir /sites/$HCIVERSION
if [[ -d /sites/$HCIVERSION/$new_site ]]; then
echo “ERROR /sites/$HCIVERSION/$new_site already exists”
exit 9
if [[ ! -d /sites/$HCIVERSION/$new_site ]]; then
mkdir /sites/$HCIVERSION/$new_site
mkdir /sites/$HCIVERSION/${new_site}/`date +”v01_%Y.%m.%d”`
tar_tar_dir.ksh $HCIROOT/$new_site
/sites/$HCIVERSION/${new_site}/`date +”v01_%Y.%m.%d”`
rm -rf $HCIROOT/$new_site
ln -s /sites/$HCIVERSION/${new_site}/`date +”v01_%Y.%m.%d”` $HCIROOT/$new_site
# untar the old site
cd $MDA_UPDIR/new_box
rm -rf $site_name
tar -xvf $site_name.tar
if [[ ! -d $MDA_UPDIR/new_box/$site_name ]]; then
echo “”
echo “***** ERROR – tar extract did not create directory ( $MDA_UPDIR/new_box/$site_name ) *****”
echo “”
exit 8
# clean up the old site in preparation of using it to overwrite the new site
cd $MDA_UPDIR/new_box/$site_name
rm -rf `ls -al | grep “^-” | awk ‘{print $9}’ | grep -v “^NetConfig$”`
rm -rf exec
rm -rf lock; mkdir lock
rm -rf logs; mkdir logs
rm -rf revisions; mkdir revisions
rm -rf stats; mkdir stats
rm -f ./Alerts/qdx*_hide_default.alrt
# get rid of all *.bak files
cd $MDA_UPDIR/new_box/$site_name
find . -name “*.bak” -exec rm -rf {} ;
find . -name “backup” -exec rm -rf {} ;
find . -name “x.x” -exec rm -rf {} ;
find . -name “core” -exec rm -rf {} ;
# make sure the site specific tclprocs directory only contains *.tcl files
cd $MDA_UPDIR/new_box/$site_name/tclprocs
rm -rf `ls -l | grep -v “^-” | awk ‘{print $9}’`
rm -f `ls -1 | grep -v “.tcl$”`
rm -f .*.tcl
# make sure the site specific Xlate directory only contains *.xlt files
cd $MDA_UPDIR/new_box/$site_name/Xlate
rm -rf `ls -l | grep -v “^-” | awk ‘{print $9}’`
rm -f `ls -1 | grep -v “.xlt$”`
rm -f .*.xlt
# clean out the site_startup_backups directory
rm -rf $MDA_UPDIR/new_box/$site_name/scripts/site_shutdown.ksh
rm -rf $MDA_UPDIR/new_box/$site_name/scripts/site_startup.ksh
rm -rf $MDA_UPDIR/new_box/$site_name/scripts/site_startup_backups/*
# set the ownership of the entire site to hci:staff
chown -R hci:staff $MDA_UPDIR/new_box/$site_name
# tar_tar_dir the old_site to the new_site
if [[ -d $HCIROOT/$new_site ]]; then
echo “”
echo “==============================”
echo “”
echo ” About to do ( tar_tar_dir $MDA_UPDIR/new_box/$site_name $HCIROOT/$new_site )”
echo ” respond y to accept”
echo ” any other response will abort this script”
echo “”
read response
if [[ “$response” != “y” ]]; then
echo “”
echo “This script has been terminated without doing.”
echo “”
echo ” tar_tar_dir $MDA_UPDIR/new_box/$site_name $HCIROOT/$new_site ”
echo “”
exit 9
tar_tar_dir.ksh $MDA_UPDIR/new_box/$site_name $HCIROOT/$new_site
# create the process directories defined in the NetConfig
echo “”
echo “creating the process directories”
procList=`grep “^process” $HCIROOT/$new_site/NetConfig | awk ‘{print $2}’ | sort`
cd $HCIROOT/$new_site/exec/processes
for proc in $procList; do
rm -rf $proc; mkdir $proc
ls -al
echo “”
# link data directory
echo “”
echo “—————”
echo “ln -s /data/$new_site $HCIROOT/$new_site/data”
echo “—————”
echo “”
if [[ ! -a /data/$new_site ]] then
echo “”
echo “creating /data/$new_site directory to link too”
echo “”
mkdir /data/$new_site
ln -sf /data/$new_site $HCIROOT/$new_site/data
if [[ -a $HCIROOT/$new_site/data ]] then rm -rf $HCIROOT/$new_site/data; fi
ln -sf /data/$new_site $HCIROOT/$new_site/data
# make TCL index
echo “”
echo “Doing a mktclindex”
cd $HCIROOT/$new_site/tclprocs
ls -al
echo “”
# clear database for safety
# and reset shared memory pointer/file for safety
echo “”
echo “About to clear data base for safety”
setroot -clear
setroot $myRoot $new_site
cd $HCIROOT/$new_site/exec
rm -f monitorShmemFile
hcimsiutil -R
setroot -clear
setroot $myRoot $mySite
# hide Alerts and clean out Alerts directory
echo “Hiding alerts and cleaning out Alerts directory”
if [[ ! -d $HCIROOT/$new_site/Alerts ]] then
echo “ERROR – no Alerts direcotry exists”
cd $HCIROOT/$new_site/Alerts
cp -p default.alrt .hide_original__default.alrt
rm -rf *
cp -p .hide_original__default.alrt hide_default.alrt
cp $HCIROOT/siteProto/Alerts/off.alrt .
ln -sf off.alrt default.alrt
ls -al
echo “”
# reminder to manually create the data subdirectories
echo “”
echo “************”
echo “IMPORTANT — you will have to manually create the /data/$new_site subdirectories”
echo “ALSO; do a save in the GUI NetConfig to see if any errors show up in addition to doing a netcheck”
echo “ALSO; a symbolic link for default.alrt has been set to point to off.alrt”
echo “************”
echo “”
Russ Ross
thank you so much for your responses. awesome!!
this is what I scripted and have in use right now:
@echo off
rem Batch to backup interface site data to the network$ folder
rem %1 – source (ex. C:cloverleafcis6.1integrator)
rem %2 – site name (abcdefg)
rem %3 – destination (ex. \servershare$)
rem %4 – processes (ex. “ADT,DFT,SIU”)
rem ———————————————————————
rem Version Date Init Changes
rem ———————————————————————
rem 1.0.00 06/28/2016 lbetscha Initial Version
rem ———————————————————————
set LOG_FILE=%~dp0robo_log.log
set BACKUP_LOG_FILE=%~dp0backup.log
rem ———————————————————————
echo ****************************************
echo Set Site…
set site=%2
echo Site – %site%
echo Site – %site% > %BACKUP_LOG_FILE%
rem ———————————————————————
echo ****************************************
echo Set Source…
set source=%1%site%
echo Backup from – %source%
echo Backup from – %source% >> %BACKUP_LOG_FILE%
rem ———————————————————————
echo ****************************************
echo Create Backup Folder…
set backupfolder=%3interface%site%
echo Backup destination – %backupfolder%
echo Backup destination – %backupfolder% >> %BACKUP_LOG_FILE%
md %backupfolder%
rem ———————————————————————
echo ****************************************
echo Set Processes…
echo Processes – %4
echo Processes – %4 >> %BACKUP_LOG_FILE%
rem ———————————————————————
echo ****************************************
echo Set cloverleaf environment variables
CALL d:cloverleafcis6.1integratorsbinsetroot.cmd
CALL d:cloverleafcis6.1integratorsbinshowroot.cmd
rem ———————————————————————
echo ****************************************
echo Stop cloverleaf processes
hcienginestop -p %4
rem ———————————————————————
echo ****************************************
echo Starte Sicherung…
robocopy %source% %backupfolder% /MIR /B /XD “%source%exec” /E /COPY:DAT /LOG:%LOG_FILE% /R:10 /W:30
echo Sicherung abgeschlossen.
rem ———————————————————————
echo ****************************************
echo Clean up cloverleaf processes…
hcilmclear -p %4
echo Clean up abgeschlossen.
echo ****************************************
echo Start cloverleaf processes…
hcienginerun -p %4