Backup hcimonitord.log.old

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  • Creator
  • #49192
    Antonio Chennawi


      I am trying to backup hcimonitord.log.old for troubleshooting purposes.

      When we stop and start hcimonitor, the hcimonitord.log overwrites hcimonitord.log.old. So I thought doing a file change Alert, but it didn’t work because when hcimonitord.log.old change, it means hcimonitord is down, and it can’t trigger the Alert. Also, I thought doing a cron job, but it can’t keep track of a file change for every second.

      I am trying to find out if anyone is backing up the hcimonitord.log.old and willing to share the proces with me.

      Thank you.

      We are on QDX 5.2 AIX.

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    • Author
      • #61063
        Steve Carter

          You could create another site that does nothing but monitor other sites.  You can use it to detect the cycling of the hcimonitord logs and copy them off.

          I would highly suggest this if you run multiple sites and use the default alerts that Quovadx provides.  For example, you don’t need all your sites checking diskspace, CPU idle, etc.  It creates a significant amount of overhead to have these alerts duplicated across multiple sites.

          Particularly if you’re running somewhere in the neighborhood of…let’s say….110 sites.  ðŸ™‚


        • #61064
          Antonio Chennawi

            What do you think about having each site monitor the other sites and then having a cron job that runs every day to delete the duplicate backup from hcimonitord directory.

          • #61065
            Michael Hertel

              This feature is already a part of Cloverleaf.

              I’m not sure what version of Cloverleaf it appeared in.

              Go to your site directory and look at a file called siteInfo.

              At the bottom of the file it mentions LogHistory.

              This enables process logs as well as hcimonitord logs to be saved.

              You need to bounce after making changes.

              Mine is configured as follows:


              # LogHistory Feature Configurable Options.

              # change these values unless you are sure of what you are doing.


              # LogHistoryEnabled – The number identifying if LogHistory feature is

              #                     enabled for this site, and this is applied to scope of site,  

              #                     engine and monitord log are included.

              #                     0 : LogHistory feature is disabled. This is also

              #                         the value by default.

              #                     1 : LogHistory feature is enabled.


              # LogHistoryMaxLogFiles – The number identifying the maximum number of backed-up

              #                         log files which cloverleaf keeps if LogHistoryEnabled=1.

              #                         This is applied to engine and monitord log.


              #                         0 : maximum number is unlimited, 0 is

              #                           also the value by default. It means unlimited.

              #                         x (x>0): the maximum number is set.


              # LogHistoryMaxDiskUse – The number identifying the maximum size (in KB) of total

              #                        backed-up log files which cloverleaf keeps if LogHistoryEnabled=1.

              #                        This is applied to engine and monitord log.


              #                        0 : maximum size is unlimited, 0 is

              #                          also the value by default. It means unlimited.

              #                        x (x>0): the maximum size is set.



              #LogHistoryCompressCommand – The string value identifying the command to

              #                            compress the backed-up log files to save the disk space.


              #                            The value of this option is the executable name to compress

              #                            the backed-up log files. By default it is set to NULL, compressing

              #                            is disabled. gzip and compress command is supported.

              #                            For example: LogHistoryCompressCommand=gzip


            • #61066
              garry r fisher


                This looks to be a 5.4.x introduction. Just checked 5.3 and its not mentioned in the siteInfo file but it is in my 5.4.1 install. Haven’t tried it yet but could be very useful.


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