automated way(s) to replay messages? using an interface?

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf automated way(s) to replay messages? using an interface?

  • Creator
  • #118742

      hi all, here’s my dilemma, we have Cerner sending SIUs to our practice management system (PMS) but sometimes the S12s (appt creations) will be delayed and come after S14s or S15s, so we get a bunch of messages failing at the PMS side and we have to go and replay those messages after the S12s finally come through.

      Is there an automated way to replay these messages? We can identify the messages from the PMS but it’s just the hassle of going into SMAT and searching for them and then replaying them. I’m thinking something along the lines of having them being put into a flat file or DB and then having an IB and OB thread to the PMS that handles all of this automatically.

      Thoughts?? Or should I be looking at somehow making a delay on the SIU interface for the non-S12s?

      Appreciate any input!


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    • Author
      • #118743

          Your outbound comm server in Millennium is sending the S14 before the S12? For the same sched event ID? I don’t think that should be happening. Is there a specific circumstance?

        • #118744
          Rob Abbott

            Hi Jason we have had users implement a similar sort of thing for ADT and Order interfaces.


            Sometimes the order would arrive before the ADT and the downstream system wouldn’t know who the patient was so it would be rejected.


            The solution involved some Tcl code and sqlite database with a couple of tables (patient ID registry and order cache):

            • When ADT comes in
              • Write patient ID to the database
              • Check for any order messages related to that patient
                • If any order messages exist, remove them from the DB and pass them along after the ADT
            • When an Order comes in, check the DB  for the patient ID
              • If it exists, pass the order along
              • If it does not exist, write the Order message to the DB

            I think you could implement something similar for the scheduling events provided there’s a common ID across the messages.


            Rob Abbott
            Cloverleaf Emeritus

            • #118745


                Hmm ok, yeah that sounds similar to something I was imagining. I know sqlite is mentioned here a lot but could the same be done with SQL Server? We already have/use that in our org so we’re more familiar with it.

                So basically the TCL code is what does the DB checking in the thread?

                Thanks again

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